
Amnash Shajahan

Sales Executive at Misterlight Electrical Installations Items Trading

Amnash Shajahan Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Amnash Shajahan Current Workplace


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Amnash Shajahan Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Amnash Shajahan

Amnash Shajahan is a Sales Executive at Misterlight Electrical Installations Items Trading based in Bruxelles, Manitoba. Previously, Amnash was a Sales Executive at Bahri & Mazroei Trading.Explore more

Amnash Shajahan Current Workplace

Misterlight LLC is a leading electrical trading company based in the UAE, specializing in providing high-quality electrical cables and accessories to a diverse range of industries. Established in 1991, they offer products from trusted international brands and cater to various sectors with specialized solutions. Focused on delivering exceptional service, Misterlight also provides online shopping through their platform Gokahraba.com. Their clientele includes businesses of all sizes throughout the GCC and beyond, reflecting their commitment to quality and innovation.

Amnash Shajahan Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Sales Executive

Bahri & Mazroei Trading


Sales Coordinator

Bahri & Mazroei Trading


Org Chart - Misterlight Electrical Installations Items Trading


Sales Executive




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Amnash Shajahan

What company does Amnash Shajahan work for?
Amnash Shajahan works for Misterlight Electrical Installations Items Trading as Sales Executive
What is Amnash Shajahan’s role in Misterlight Electrical Installations Items Trading?
Amnash Shajahan’s role in Misterlight Electrical Installations Items Trading is Sales Executive
What is Amnash Shajahan’s email address?
Amnash Shajahan’s email address is a***@misterlight.com
What is Amnash Shajahan’s business email address?
Amnash Shajahan’s business email address is a***@misterlight.com
What is Amnash Shajahan’s direct phone number?
Amnash Shajahan’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Amnash Shajahan’s work phone number?
Amnash Shajahan’s headquarters phone number is +971 48894959
What is Amnash Shajahan’s latest job experience?
Amnash Shajahan’s latest job experience is Sales Executive at Bahri & Mazroei Trading
Which industry does Amnash Shajahan work in?
Amnash Shajahan works in the industry of Consumer Electronics & Computers Retail, Retail.
Who are Amnash Shajahan’s peers at other companies?
Amnash Shajahan’s peers at other companies are Judy Mostert, Alvin Lee, Suchita Satvilkar, Steve Biko Oginga, Amira Tarek.
Who are Amnash Shajahan’s colleagues?
Some of Amnash Shajahan’s colleagues are Sethu Madhavan, Sreejith Sreedharan, Greeshma Kana, Tr Nambiar.
How can I contact Amnash Shajahan?
Amnash Shajahan contact details: Email address: a***@misterlight.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Amnash Shajahan?

Amnash Shajahan is a Sales Executive at Misterlight Electrical Installations Items Trading based in Bruxelles, Manitoba. Previously, Amnash was a Sales Executive at Bahri & Mazroei Trading.... Read More

Where is Amnash Shajahan based?
Amnash Shajahan works for Misterlight Electrical Installations Items Trading, located at Canada
See more information about Amnash Shajahan

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