
Amitabh Malviya

Software Engineer at Eastern Software Systems Pvt

Amitabh Malviya Email & Phone number

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Amitabh Malviya Work Experience Summary

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About Amitabh Malviya

Amitabh Malviya is a Senior Software Engineer at Eastern Software Systems Pvt. They are responsible for developing and maintaining complex software systems. Prior to their current role, Amitabh worked as a Software Engineer at the same company. Amitabh holds a Master of Business Administration degree from Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, which has provided them with a strong foundation in business and technology.Explore more

Amitabh Malviya Current Workplace

Eastern Software Systems Pvt

2022-present (3 years)

Eastern Software Systems (ESS) is a premium IT Solutions & Services Company with a presence in 25 countries across Africa, Middle East and India. ESS offers cutting-edge Enterprise Automation Solutions and I.T. Services to its clients across diverse industry verticals and government organizations. ESS was founded in 1990 and is an ISO-9001:2015 certified enterprise which is also assessed at SEI CMM Level 5. ESS constantly trains and upgrades the skillsets of its technical workforce so that Eastern Software Systems has the expertise and resources to meet the unique challenges and opportunities that are associated with providing high-quality IT Products and Services in today's extremely competitive business environment. ESS' flagship product, ebizframe ERP System is a Next Generation ERP Suite that has been successfully implemented for 1100+ clients. ebizframe eliminates the scattered islands of information in an enterprise and replaces them with a system wherein all transactions occur oSee more

Amitabh Malviya Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Senior Software Engineer

Eastern Software Systems Pvt


Org Chart - Eastern Software Systems Pvt


Software Engineer




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Amitabh Malviya

What company does Amitabh Malviya work for?
Amitabh Malviya works for Eastern Software Systems Pvt as Software Engineer
What is Amitabh Malviya’s role in Eastern Software Systems Pvt?
Amitabh Malviya’s role in Eastern Software Systems Pvt is Software Engineer
What is Amitabh Malviya’s email address?
Amitabh Malviya’s email address is a***@essindia.com
What is Amitabh Malviya’s business email address?
Amitabh Malviya’s business email address is a***@essindia.com
What is Amitabh Malviya’s direct phone number?
Amitabh Malviya’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Amitabh Malviya’s work phone number?
Amitabh Malviya’s headquarters phone number is +91 1204212931
What is Amitabh Malviya’s latest job experience?
Amitabh Malviya’s latest job experience is Senior Software Engineer at Eastern Software Systems Pvt
Which industry does Amitabh Malviya work in?
Amitabh Malviya works in the industry of Software & Technical Consulting, Software.
Who are Amitabh Malviya’s peers at other companies?
Amitabh Malviya’s peers at other companies are Justin Hahn, Amanda Mcgee, Kseniya Mullomukhametova, Phoebe Su, Tushar Nadkar.
Who are Amitabh Malviya’s colleagues?
Some of Amitabh Malviya’s colleagues are Manoj Chaturvedi, Mohammad Saud, Sankalp Raghuvanshi, Vishal Chauhan.
How can I contact Amitabh Malviya?
Amitabh Malviya contact details: Email address: a***@essindia.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Amitabh Malviya?

Amitabh Malviya is a Senior Software Engineer at Eastern Software Systems Pvt. They are responsible for developing and maintaining complex software systems. Prior to their current role, Amitabh worked as a Software Engineer at the same company. Amitabh holds a Master of Business Administration degree from Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University... , which has provided them with a strong foundation in business and technology.Read More

Where is Amitabh Malviya based?
Amitabh Malviya works for Eastern Software Systems Pvt, located at India
See more information about Amitabh Malviya

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