
Amir Zeb

Assistant Professor, Department of Natural and Basic Sciences at University Of Turbat

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About Amir Zeb

Amir Zeb is an Assistant Professor, Department of Natural and Basic Sciences at University Of Turbat based in Turbat, Kech, Balochistan. Amir received a doctorate degree from Gyeongsang National University.Explore more

Amir Zeb Current Workplace

University Of Turbat

2023-present (1 year)

The people of the region had always longed for a university nearby. Their dream finally materialized in the shape of an independent University when the academic activities started in the institution in May 2013 as a full-fledged university. Prior to getting the status of a full-fledged University in 2012, it has remained a HEC Recognized Sub Campus of the University of Balochistan (UoB) from 2009 to 2012. The University of Turbat Act. 2012 was passed by the Provincial Assembly of Balochistan on 20th June, 2012, assented to by the Honorable Governor Balochistan on 26th in same year, and was notified in the Provincial Gazette on 28th June 2012. After completion of required formalities including submission of feasibility report, and by HEC experts evaluation, the University of Turbat was recognized by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan as 168th Public Sector University in the country and Second Public Sector General University in Balochistan on 12th March 2014. The main objectiveSee more

Amir Zeb Work Experience & Education

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Gyeongsang National University

Org Chart - University Of Turbat


Assistant Professor, Department of ...




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Amir Zeb

What company does Amir Zeb work for?
Amir Zeb works for University Of Turbat as Assistant Professor, Department of Natural and Basic Sciences
What is Amir Zeb’s role in University Of Turbat?
Amir Zeb’s role in University Of Turbat is Assistant Professor, Department of Natural and Basic Sciences
What is Amir Zeb’s email address?
Amir Zeb’s email address is a***@uot.edu.pk
What is Amir Zeb’s business email address?
Amir Zeb’s business email address is a***@uot.edu.pk
What is Amir Zeb’s direct phone number?
Amir Zeb’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Amir Zeb’s work phone number?
Amir Zeb’s headquarters phone number is +92 852414498
What is Amir Zeb’s latest education?
Amir Zeb’s latest education in doctorate at Gyeongsang National University
Which industry does Amir Zeb work in?
Amir Zeb works in the industry of Colleges & Universities, Education.
Who are Amir Zeb’s colleagues?
Some of Amir Zeb’s colleagues are Sabir Mari, Najeeb Ullah, Changiz Ahmed, Sumera Omrani.
How can I contact Amir Zeb?
Amir Zeb contact details: Email address: a***@uot.edu.pk Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Amir Zeb?

Amir Zeb is an Assistant Professor, Department of Natural and Basic Sciences at University Of Turbat based in Turbat, Kech, Balochistan. Amir received a doctorate degree from Gyeongsang National University.... Read More

Where is Amir Zeb based?
Amir Zeb works for University Of Turbat, located at Pakistan
See more information about Amir Zeb

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