Amir Baghdadi

Position In Data Science and Artificial Intelligence at OrbSurgical

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About Amir Baghdadi

Amir Baghdadi is a Position In Data Science and Artificial Intelligence at OrbSurgical based in Calgary, Alberta.Explore more

Amir Baghdadi Current Workplace


2021-present (4 years)

Committed to developing and translating innovative technology for the operating room, including the next generation surgical robotics, the company brings together a multi-disciplinary team of talented surgeons, engineers, scientists and business leaders. Founded and presided over by world-renowned neurosurgeon, visionary and innovator Garnette Sutherland (C.M., M.D., F.R.C.S), CEO, OrbSurgical Ltd. traces its roots to space R&D through world's first image-guided MR compatible neurosurgical robot called neuroArm. With Calgary's emerging and rapidly proliferating entrepreneurial culture, OrbSurgical Ltd. takes an ambitious leap towards bringing advanced medical technologies to the global community through innovation, including robotics, data science and artificial intelligence. The underlying promise remains improving patient care through increased safety of surgery. Our Team

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Amir Baghdadi

What company does Amir Baghdadi work for?
Amir Baghdadi works for OrbSurgical as Position In Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
What is Amir Baghdadi’s role in OrbSurgical?
Amir Baghdadi’s role in OrbSurgical is Position In Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
What is Amir Baghdadi’s email address?
Amir Baghdadi’s email address is a***
What is Amir Baghdadi’s business email address?
Amir Baghdadi’s business email address is a***
What is Amir Baghdadi’s direct phone number?
Amir Baghdadi’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Amir Baghdadi’s work phone number?
Amir Baghdadi’s headquarters phone number is (403) 210-8780
Which industry does Amir Baghdadi work in?
Amir Baghdadi works in the industry of Medical Devices & Equipment, Manufacturing.
Who are Amir Baghdadi’s colleagues?
Some of Amir Baghdadi’s colleagues are Homer Riva-Cambrin, Keerthana Krishnan, Diego Ospina, Michael Tagg.
How can I contact Amir Baghdadi?
Amir Baghdadi contact details: Email address: a*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Amir Baghdadi?

Amir Baghdadi is a Position In Data Science and Artificial Intelligence at OrbSurgical based in Calgary, Alberta.... Read More

Where is Amir Baghdadi based?
Amir Baghdadi works for OrbSurgical, located at Canada
See more information about Amir Baghdadi

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