Amine Nougoum

Directeur De Magasin at Biougnach Electro

Amine Nougoum Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Amine Nougoum Current Workplace


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Amine Nougoum Work Experience Summary

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About Amine Nougoum

Amine Nougoum is a Directeur De Magasin at Biougnach Electro based in Fes, Fes-Boulemane. Previously, Amine was a Directeur Magasin at Virgin Megastore Maroc and also held positions at Marjane.Explore more

Amine Nougoum Current Workplace

Biougnach Electro

2021-present (4 years)

Spécialiste de l'lectroménager au Maroc depuis 1973, Biougnach Electro vous souhaite la bienvenue sur biougnach.ma, la nouvelle référence d'électroménager en ligne. Notre catalogue compte des centaines de références que nous pouvons livrer partout au Maroc*, directement chez vous. Choisissez parmi nos meilleurs offres et acheter au meilleur prix votre électroménager en ligne : Téléviseur, Hifi, Lecteur BlueRay, Lecteur DVD, Lave Linge, Réfrigérateur, Lave Vaisselle, Four (Encastrable, Posable...), Congélateur, Cuisinire, Sche linge, Micro Onde, Appareil Photo Numérique, Téléphone, Tablette

Amine Nougoum Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


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Work Experience

Work Experience

Superviseur Multimédia

Mega v store morroco


Directeur Magasin

Virgin Megastore Maroc


Agent Commercial



Technicien Informatique



Org Chart - Biougnach Electro


Directeur De Magasin




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Amine Nougoum

What company does Amine Nougoum work for?
Amine Nougoum works for Biougnach Electro as Directeur De Magasin
What is Amine Nougoum’s role in Biougnach Electro?
Amine Nougoum’s role in Biougnach Electro is Directeur De Magasin
What is Amine Nougoum’s email address?
Amine Nougoum’s email address is a***@biougnach.ma
What is Amine Nougoum’s business email address?
Amine Nougoum’s business email address is a***@biougnach.ma
What is Amine Nougoum’s direct phone number?
Amine Nougoum’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Amine Nougoum’s work phone number?
Amine Nougoum’s headquarters phone number is +212 535732604
What is Amine Nougoum’s latest job experience?
Amine Nougoum’s latest job experience is Superviseur Multimédia at Mega v store morroco
Which industry does Amine Nougoum work in?
Amine Nougoum works in the industry of Consumer Electronics & Computers Retail, Retail.
Who are Amine Nougoum’s peers at other companies?
Amine Nougoum’s peers at other companies are Mohammed Wansari, Luc Côté, Philippe Boisvert, Salim Chtioui.
Who are Amine Nougoum’s colleagues?
Some of Amine Nougoum’s colleagues are Zouhair Boursan, Karim Elhamzaoui, Saifeddine Saoud, Hicham Amalou.
How can I contact Amine Nougoum?
Amine Nougoum contact details: Email address: a***@biougnach.ma Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Amine Nougoum?

Amine Nougoum is a Directeur De Magasin at Biougnach Electro based in Fes, Fes-Boulemane. Previously, Amine was a Directeur Magasin at Virgin Megastore Maroc and also held positions at Marjane.... Read More

Where is Amine Nougoum based?
Amine Nougoum works for Biougnach Electro, located at Morocco
See more information about Amine Nougoum

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