Amie PalaA+

Amie Pala

Chief Executive Officer at Farm Credit Bank of Texas

Amie Pala Email & Phone number

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(512) ***-****

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Amie Pala Work Experience Summary

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About Amie Pala

Amie Pala was named chief executive officer for Farm Credit Bank of Texas in January 2021. Previously she served as the bank’s chief financial officer for 10 years, following 15 years as vice president and treasurer. Pala serves on the Federal Farm Credit Banks Funding Corporation board of directors and audit committee. She also is vice chair of the Farm Credit System Presidents Planning Committee, and serves on its business practices and finance committees. Before joining the bank, she worked for American Express and First City National Bank. Pala holds a degree in finance from the University of Texas and an MBA from the University of Dallas. She is also a certified international cash manager (CERT-ICM) with the Association of Corporate Treasurers.Explore more

Amie Pala Current Workplace

Farm Credit Bank of Texas

2010-present (15 years)

Farm Credit Bank of Texas is a cooperatively owned wholesale bank that finances agriculture and rural America. It funds rural lending co-ops so they can make loans to farmers, ranchers, agribusinesses and rural property owners. It also participates with other lenders in loans to agribusinesses and rural infrastructure providers. The bank is part of the Farm Credit System, the nation's oldest and largest source of rural financing.

Amie Pala Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Chief Financial Officer

Farm Credit Bank of Texas


Vice President, Finance & Treasurer

Farm Credit Bank of Texas




Bachelor of Business Administration - Banking, Corporate Finance and Investments

The University of Texas at Austin

Master of Business Administration - MBA

The University of Dallas

Org Chart - Farm Credit Bank of Texas

Profile Picture

Chief Executive Officer





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Amie Pala

What company does Amie Pala work for?
Amie Pala works for Farm Credit Bank of Texas as Chief Executive Officer
What is Amie Pala’s role in Farm Credit Bank of Texas?
Amie Pala’s role in Farm Credit Bank of Texas is Chief Executive Officer
What is Amie Pala’s email address?
Amie Pala’s email address is a***
What is Amie Pala’s business email address?
Amie Pala’s business email address is a***
What is Amie Pala’s direct phone number?
Amie Pala’s direct phone number is (512) ***-****
What is Amie Pala’s work phone number?
Amie Pala’s headquarters phone number is (512) 465-0400
What is Amie Pala’s latest job experience?
Amie Pala’s latest job experience is Chief Financial Officer at Farm Credit Bank of Texas
What is Amie Pala’s latest education?
Amie Pala’s latest education in Bachelor of Business Administration - Banking, Corporate Finance and Investments at The University of Texas at Austin
Which industry does Amie Pala work in?
Amie Pala works in the industry of Banking, Finance.
Who are Amie Pala’s peers at other companies?
Amie Pala’s peers at other companies are Jamie Simmons, Jinya Suzuki, Mostafa Barbary, Joel Clements, Brent Rose.
Who are Amie Pala’s colleagues?
Some of Amie Pala’s colleagues are Mark Davenport, Keith Post, Andrea DuBose, Brian O'Keane.
How can I contact Amie Pala?
Amie Pala contact details: Email address: a*** Phone number: (512) ***-****
Who is Amie Pala?

Amie Pala was named chief executive officer for Farm Credit Bank of Texas in January 2021. Previously she served as the bank’s chief financial officer for 10 years, following 15 years as vice president and treasurer. Pala serves on the Federal Farm Credit Banks Funding Corporation board of directors and audit committee. She also is vice chair of... the Farm Credit System Presidents Planning Committee, and serves on its business practices and finance committees. Before joining the bank, she worked for American Express and First City National Bank. Pala holds a degree in finance from the University of Texas and an MBA from the University of Dallas. She is also a certified international cash manager (CERT-ICM) with the Association of Corporate Treasurers.Read More

Where is Amie Pala based?
Amie Pala works for Farm Credit Bank of Texas, located at United States
Who is Farm Credit Bank of Texas’s Chief Executive Officer?
Farm Credit Bank of Texas's Chief Executive Officer is Amie Pala
See more information about Amie Pala

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