Amie Herman

Wine Specialist at Boundary Breaks

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Amie Herman Work Experience Summary

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About Amie Herman

Amie Herman is a Wine Specialist at Boundary Breaks, responsible for guiding visitors through the company's award-winning wine offerings. Prior to her current role, she served as a Tourist Guide with Experience! The Finger Lakes, leveraging her passion for the region's vibrant wine culture. Amie holds a Bachelor's Degree from the University of Virginia, where she cultivated her expertise in the art of winemaking and appreciation.Explore more

Amie Herman Current Workplace

Boundary Breaks

2023-present (2 years)

At Boundary Breaks, we focus entirely on the vineyard. To make our wines, we sought out some of the regions leading wineries. We asked them if they would be willing to work with us to produce small batches of single vineyard Rieslings. We wanted to create a family of Riesling wines that showcase the winemaking skills from across the region, using the fruit that we have carefully managed in our vineyard.

Amie Herman Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Senior Director of Organizational Advancement

Madison Area YMCA's School


Director, Marketing, Fundraising & Communications

Worldwide Orphans Foundation






Bachelor's Degree - East Asian Studies

University of Virginia

Org Chart - Boundary Breaks


Wine Specialist




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Amie Herman

What company does Amie Herman work for?
Amie Herman works for Boundary Breaks as Wine Specialist
What is Amie Herman’s role in Boundary Breaks?
Amie Herman’s role in Boundary Breaks is Wine Specialist
What is Amie Herman’s direct phone number?
Amie Herman’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Amie Herman’s work phone number?
Amie Herman’s headquarters phone number is (607) 474-5030
What is Amie Herman’s latest job experience?
Amie Herman’s latest job experience is Tourist Guide at Experience! The Finger Lakes
What is Amie Herman’s latest education?
Amie Herman’s latest education in Bachelor's Degree - East Asian Studies at University of Virginia
Which industry does Amie Herman work in?
Amie Herman works in the industry of Agriculture General, Agriculture.
Who are Amie Herman’s peers at other companies?
Amie Herman’s peers at other companies are Alyssa Keith, Kristen Rodriguez, John Dials, Susannah Liszewski, Kelly Darter.
Who are Amie Herman’s colleagues?
Some of Amie Herman’s colleagues are Diana Lyttle, Kees Stapel, Dahlia Wist, Bruce Murray.
Who is Amie Herman?

Amie Herman is a Wine Specialist at Boundary Breaks, responsible for guiding visitors through the company's award-winning wine offerings. Prior to her current role, she served as a Tourist Guide with Experience! The Finger Lakes, leveraging her passion for the region's vibrant wine culture. Amie holds a Bachelor's Degree from the University of Virg... inia, where she cultivated her expertise in the art of winemaking and appreciation.Read More

Where is Amie Herman based?
Amie Herman works for Boundary Breaks, located at United States
See more information about Amie Herman

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