
Amber Carroll

Logistics at Valeo

Amber Carroll Email & Phone number


(812) ***-****

Amber Carroll Current Workplace





Number of Employees

About Amber Carroll

Amber Carroll is a Logistics at Valeo based in Paris, Ile-de-France.

Amber Carroll Current Workplace


2017-present (7 years)

Founded in 1923, Valeo is an automotive supplier and partner to automakers worldwide. They are also a technology company that designs innovative solutions for smart mobility, with a particular focus on intuitive driving and reducing CO2 emissions. The Group also provides and distributes spare parts for automakers and independent aftermarket operators. The company is headquartered in Paris, France.

Org Chart - Valeo

Amber Carroll


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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Amber Carroll

What company does Amber Carroll work for?
Amber Carroll works for Valeo as Logistics
What is Amber Carroll’s role in Valeo?
Amber Carroll’s role in Valeo is Logistics
What is Amber Carroll’s email address?
Amber Carroll’s email address is a***@valeo.com
What is Amber Carroll’s business email address?
Amber Carroll’s business email address is a***@valeo.com
What is Amber Carroll’s direct phone number?
Amber Carroll’s direct phone number is (812) ***-****
What is Amber Carroll’s work phone number?
Amber Carroll’s headquarters phone number is +33 140552020
Which industry does Amber Carroll work in?
Amber Carroll works in the industry of Motor Vehicle Parts, Manufacturing.
Who are Amber Carroll’s peers at other companies?
Amber Carroll’s peers at other companies are Sharon Goss, Mike Morby, Alejandro Correa, Stefan Cvetanovic, Marcio Galdino.
Who are Amber Carroll’s colleagues?
Some of Amber Carroll’s colleagues are Darin Obermeyer, Raghu Balakrishnan, Yao Zhao, Taha Khokhar.
How can I contact Amber Carroll?
Amber Carroll contact details: Email address: a***@valeo.com Phone number: (812) ***-****
Who is Amber Carroll?

Amber Carroll is a Logistics at Valeo based in Paris, Ile-de-France....

Where is Amber Carroll based?
Amber Carroll works for Valeo, located at France