Amanda Singler

Project Manager at Rocio Romero

Amanda Singler Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Amanda Singler Current Workplace


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Amanda Singler Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Amanda Singler

Amanda Singler is a Project Manager at Rocio Romero based in Clayton, Missouri. Previously, Amanda was a Project Manager & Estimator at Carroll Seating.Explore more

Amanda Singler Current Workplace

Rocio Romero

1899-present (125 years)

Rocio Romero is a Chilean-American architectural designer widely celebrated for her well-crafted, minimalist homes and products that are both sustainable and affordable. Her iconic LV series homes, as well as her home accessories and furniture, are inspired by a commitment to clean lines, uncompromising quality, and efficient production and delivery. Since its debut 18 years ago, the LV home has become synonymous with modern prefab in North America. Writing about the LV in The New Yorker, Paul Goldberger stated, Romeros designs stand out for their clarity, simplicity, and grace. Karrie Jacobs, founding editor in chief of Dwell, wrote in her book The Perfect $100,000 House about Romeros role as a pioneer in the field: Even as competitors and imitators spring up, Rocio is the one who really took on the problem of prefabricating a simple, attractive, low-cost modern house and solved it. Today, clients have built more than 200 customized LV homes from small LVMs to multiple LVLs on severalSee more

Amanda Singler Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Project Manager & Estimator

Carroll Seating


Org Chart - Rocio Romero


Project Manager




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Amanda Singler

What company does Amanda Singler work for?
Amanda Singler works for Rocio Romero as Project Manager
What is Amanda Singler’s role in Rocio Romero?
Amanda Singler’s role in Rocio Romero is Project Manager
What is Amanda Singler’s direct phone number?
Amanda Singler’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Amanda Singler’s work phone number?
Amanda Singler’s headquarters phone number is (314) 367-2500
What is Amanda Singler’s latest job experience?
Amanda Singler’s latest job experience is Project Manager & Estimator at Carroll Seating
Which industry does Amanda Singler work in?
Amanda Singler works in the industry of Business Services General, Business Services.
Who are Amanda Singler’s peers at other companies?
Amanda Singler’s peers at other companies are Julie Paulson, Jacob Brumbach, Nelson Tanner, Lydia Hamilton, Arlene Meli.
Who is Amanda Singler?

Amanda Singler is a Project Manager at Rocio Romero based in Clayton, Missouri. Previously, Amanda was a Project Manager & Estimator at Carroll Seating.... Read More

Where is Amanda Singler based?
Amanda Singler works for Rocio Romero, located at United States
See more information about Amanda Singler

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