
Alvaro Bustos

Mlo at American Bancshares Mortgage

Alvaro Bustos Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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Alvaro Bustos Work Experience Summary

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About Alvaro Bustos

Alvaro Bustos is a Mlo at American Bancshares Mortgage based in Miami Lakes, Florida. Previously, Alvaro was a Mortgage Loan Originator at Bankers Choice Mortgage.Explore more

Alvaro Bustos Current Workplace

American Bancshares Mortgage

2023-present (1 year)

American Bancshares Mortgage is a reliable, time-tested Mortgage Lender. For more than 20 years, we have empowered our partners, assisted our communities, and expanded our footprint across the nation. We are a full-service mortgage lender created by industry experts who understand todays home financing market. Unlike a bank, we only offer mortgage products, this means that all our mortgage loan originators are licensed, knowledgeable and experts in mortgage lending. They are qualified to offer you professional and ethical advice, and most importantly dedicated to helping you find the right loan with the best rate, terms, and cost- to meet your unique needs. Our passion for servicing the community is driven by our core values of commitment, integrity, and transparency. Many of our team members and most of our senior management have sat in every chair of the mortgage industry, providing us with a full understanding of the business from all aspects. This in-depth knowledge is what allowsSee more

Alvaro Bustos Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Mortgage Loan Originator

Bankers Choice Mortgage


Org Chart - American Bancshares Mortgage






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Alvaro Bustos

What company does Alvaro Bustos work for?
Alvaro Bustos works for American Bancshares Mortgage as Mlo
What is Alvaro Bustos’s role in American Bancshares Mortgage?
Alvaro Bustos’s role in American Bancshares Mortgage is Mlo
What is Alvaro Bustos’s email address?
Alvaro Bustos’s email address is a***@myabsm.com
What is Alvaro Bustos’s business email address?
Alvaro Bustos’s business email address is a***@myabsm.com
What is Alvaro Bustos’s direct phone number?
Alvaro Bustos’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Alvaro Bustos’s work phone number?
Alvaro Bustos’s headquarters phone number is (305) 826-4500
What is Alvaro Bustos’s latest job experience?
Alvaro Bustos’s latest job experience is Mortgage Loan Originator at Bankers Choice Mortgage
Which industry does Alvaro Bustos work in?
Alvaro Bustos works in the industry of Finance General, Finance.
Who are Alvaro Bustos’s peers at other companies?
Alvaro Bustos’s peers at other companies are Casey Kahler, Rachel Aucoin, Jorge Martinez, Joshua Reza, Angel Rosas.
Who are Alvaro Bustos’s colleagues?
Some of Alvaro Bustos’s colleagues are Lisett Watson, Gregory Godin, Mason Molina, Rafael Jordan.
How can I contact Alvaro Bustos?
Alvaro Bustos contact details: Email address: a***@myabsm.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Alvaro Bustos?

Alvaro Bustos is a Mlo at American Bancshares Mortgage based in Miami Lakes, Florida. Previously, Alvaro was a Mortgage Loan Originator at Bankers Choice Mortgage.... Read More

Where is Alvaro Bustos based?
Alvaro Bustos works for American Bancshares Mortgage, located at United States
See more information about Alvaro Bustos

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