
Althea Gordon

Campus Registrar at UWI Mona

Althea Gordon Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(876) ***-****

Althea Gordon Current Workplace


UWI Mona

Number of Employees

Althea Gordon Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Althea Gordon

Althea Gordon is the Campus Registrar at UWI Mona, responsible for overseeing the university's student registration and academic records management. Prior to her current role, she served as a Senior Assistant Registrar at The University of the West Indies. Gordon holds a Master's degree from the University of Hull, where she honed her expertise in higher education administration. You can connect with her on Twitter at @uwimonacr.Explore more

Althea Gordon Current Workplace

UWI Mona

2021-present (4 years)

Kingston campus, Mona | Western Jamaica campus, Montego Bay We aim to provide high quality instruction in a vibrant, congenial, teaching and learning environment. Highly trained teachers and researchers drawn from local, regional and international sources constitute our Faculty, guaranteeing diversity in culture and a wide range of experiences. We are also committed to producing graduates who will become role models, committed to higher levels of excellence in performance, innovating regionally, and impacting globally. Our five Faculties offer a wide range of accredited undergraduate, Master's and Doctoral programmes in Humanities and Education, Law, Medical Sciences, Science and Technology.There is a strong emphasis on Caribbean issues making The UWI Mona the ideal educational institution for local and international students with an interest in Caribbean society. Highly trained teachers and researchers drawn from local, regional and international sources constitute our Faculty, guaranSee more

Althea Gordon Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Senior Assistant Registrar

The University of the West Indies


Administrative Officer

The University of the West Indies


Administrative Assistant

The University of the West Indies, Mona




Master's - International Law and Politics

University of Hull

Org Chart - UWI Mona


Campus Registrar




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Althea Gordon

What company does Althea Gordon work for?
Althea Gordon works for UWI Mona as Campus Registrar
What is Althea Gordon’s role in UWI Mona?
Althea Gordon’s role in UWI Mona is Campus Registrar
What is Althea Gordon’s email address?
Althea Gordon’s email address is a***@uwimona.edu.jm
What is Althea Gordon’s business email address?
Althea Gordon’s business email address is a***@uwimona.edu.jm
What is Althea Gordon’s direct phone number?
Althea Gordon’s direct phone number is (876) ***-****
What is Althea Gordon’s latest job experience?
Althea Gordon’s latest job experience is Senior Assistant Registrar at The University of the West Indies
What is Althea Gordon’s latest education?
Althea Gordon’s latest education in Master's - International Law and Politics at University of Hull
Which industry does Althea Gordon work in?
Althea Gordon works in the industry of Colleges & Universities, Education.
Who are Althea Gordon’s peers at other companies?
Althea Gordon’s peers at other companies are Michele Taylor, Donovan Stanberry, Toni Estrellado, Amanda Ridder, Sonya Gainey.
Who are Althea Gordon’s colleagues?
Some of Althea Gordon’s colleagues are Ruth Roomes, Donna Beman, Debbie-Ann Gordon-Smith, Lesia Sawyers.
How can I contact Althea Gordon?
Althea Gordon contact details: Email address: a***@uwimona.edu.jm Phone number: (876) ***-****
Who is Althea Gordon?

Althea Gordon is the Campus Registrar at UWI Mona, responsible for overseeing the university's student registration and academic records management. Prior to her current role, she served as a Senior Assistant Registrar at The University of the West Indies. Gordon holds a Master's degree from the University of Hull, where she honed her expertise in... higher education administration. You can connect with her on Twitter at @uwimonacr.Read More

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