Alpesh Patel

President & Chief Executive Officer at Alko Hotels

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About Alpesh Patel

Alpesh Patel is the President & Chief Executive Officer at Alko Hotels based in Eugene, Oregon.Explore more

Alpesh Patel Current Workplace

Alko Hotels

2014-present (10 years)

Its founders have been serving the hospitality industry since 1995. The Executive Team is comprised of hoteliers of over 20 years of experience delivering great results during different economic cycles. The hotel size does not matter and the age of the hotel is but a small challenge to turn assets into successful venues. We work predominantly in the US, on diverse projects in market sectors such as university, urban and growing markets. We pride ourselves on our technical expertise and in-depth market knowledge, we are committed to exceeding our clients' expectations. We work together with our clients to understand their needs, systems, and expectations and offer a flexible approach that ensures our projects and partnerships meet exceed expectations. Our experts have a wealth of knowledge and a can-do approach which, in turn, inspires, motivates and encourages the rest of our team. Please feel free to look through our projects and contact us to arrange a business meeting. alkohotel

Org Chart - Alko Hotels

President & Chief Executive Officer





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Alpesh Patel

What company does Alpesh Patel work for?
Alpesh Patel works for Alko Hotels as President & Chief Executive Officer
What is Alpesh Patel’s role in Alko Hotels?
Alpesh Patel’s role in Alko Hotels is President & Chief Executive Officer
What is Alpesh Patel’s direct phone number?
Alpesh Patel’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Alpesh Patel’s work phone number?
Alpesh Patel’s headquarters phone number is (541) 343-7000
Which industry does Alpesh Patel work in?
Alpesh Patel works in the industry of Lodging & Resorts, Hospitality.
Who are Alpesh Patel’s peers at other companies?
Alpesh Patel’s peers at other companies are Avi Goldstein, Cynthia Kelley, James Carroll, Jeffrey Saunders, Cynthia Kelley.
Who are Alpesh Patel’s colleagues?
Some of Alpesh Patel’s colleagues are Dhruti Patel, Vanessa Walker, Pranav Patel, Jamie Loreece.
Who is Alpesh Patel?

Alpesh Patel is the President & Chief Executive Officer at Alko Hotels based in Eugene, Oregon.... Read More

Where is Alpesh Patel based?
Alpesh Patel works for Alko Hotels, located at United States
Who is Alko Hotels’s President & Chief Executive Officer?
Alko Hotels's President & Chief Executive Officer is Alpesh Patel
See more information about Alpesh Patel

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