Aloke Goswami

General Manager, Quality Assurance & QC at Fernas Group of Companies

Aloke Goswami Email & Phone number

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Aloke Goswami Work Experience Summary

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About Aloke Goswami

Aloke Goswami is a General Manager, Quality Assurance & QC at Fernas Group of Companies based in Ankara, Ankara. Previously, Aloke was an Inspection Manager at Vincotte India.Explore more

Aloke Goswami Current Workplace

Fernas Group of Companies

2011-present (14 years)

FERNAS was founded in 1982 and specialized in; construction, energy generation, natural gas distribution & service provider, industrial production, underground & open pit mining, food chain and tourism sectors. Our group have done projects in the Middle East, South Asia, Turkic Republics and Turkey. Our group successfully built the first natural gas storage facility project of Turkey. Besides that our group have completed numerous construction projects mainly in crude oil & natural gas pipeline projects, industrial facilities, hydropower dams, irrigation canals, highways, railroads, telecommunications, infrastructure, and superstructure. Our Energy companies, with its total installed capacity of 485 MW, generates energy from renewable energy sources. Our renewable energy investments will reach 570 MW capacity after the completion of ongoing projects through its Hydroelectric Power Plants, Wind Power Plants and Solar Power Plants. In 2007, FERNAS was awarded by the Energy Market RegulatSee more

Aloke Goswami Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Inspection Manager

Vincotte India


Org Chart - Fernas Group of Companies

General Manager, Quality Assurance ...





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Aloke Goswami

What company does Aloke Goswami work for?
Aloke Goswami works for Fernas Group of Companies as General Manager, Quality Assurance & QC
What is Aloke Goswami’s role in Fernas Group of Companies?
Aloke Goswami’s role in Fernas Group of Companies is General Manager, Quality Assurance & QC
What is Aloke Goswami’s direct phone number?
Aloke Goswami’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Aloke Goswami’s work phone number?
Aloke Goswami’s headquarters phone number is +90 3124266262
What is Aloke Goswami’s latest job experience?
Aloke Goswami’s latest job experience is Inspection Manager at Vincotte India
Which industry does Aloke Goswami work in?
Aloke Goswami works in the industry of Commercial & Residential Construction, Construction.
Who are Aloke Goswami’s colleagues?
Some of Aloke Goswami’s colleagues are Kadir Koçal, Resat Yasar, Emrah Icoz, Cafer Sofu.
Who is Aloke Goswami?

Aloke Goswami is a General Manager, Quality Assurance & QC at Fernas Group of Companies based in Ankara, Ankara. Previously, Aloke was an Inspection Manager at Vincotte India.... Read More

Where is Aloke Goswami based?
Aloke Goswami works for Fernas Group of Companies, located at Turkey
See more information about Aloke Goswami

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