Allyssa Blake

Theater Director at Fontana Unified School District

Allyssa Blake Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Allyssa Blake Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Allyssa Blake Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles


About Allyssa Blake

Allyssa Blake is the Theater Director at City of Provo based in Provo, Utah. Allyssa received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Brigham Young University.

Allyssa Blake Current Workplace

Fontana Unified School District

2017-present (8 years)

Fontana Unified School District provides public education to students in Fontana, California area. The school district was founded in 1956.

Allyssa Blake Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience



Data Entry Specialist

BYU OneStop


Gallery Educator

Education In Zion



White & Harker, CPA




Bachelor of Arts

Brigham Young University

Org Chart - Fontana Unified School District

Allyssa Blake

Theater Director

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Allyssa Blake

What company does Allyssa Blake work for?
Allyssa Blake works for Fontana Unified School District as Theater Director
What is Allyssa Blake’s role in Fontana Unified School District?
Allyssa Blake’s role in Fontana Unified School District is Theater Director
What is Allyssa Blake’s email address?
Allyssa Blake’s email address is b***@fusd.net
What is Allyssa Blake’s business email address?
Allyssa Blake’s business email address is b***@fusd.net
What is Allyssa Blake’s direct phone number?
Allyssa Blake’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Allyssa Blake’s work phone number?
Allyssa Blake’s headquarters phone number is (909) 357-5000
What is Allyssa Blake’s latest job experience?
Allyssa Blake’s latest job experience is Data Entry Specialist at BYU OneStop
What is Allyssa Blake’s latest education?
Allyssa Blake’s latest education in Bachelor of Arts at Brigham Young University
Which industry does Allyssa Blake work in?
Allyssa Blake works in the industry of K-12 Schools, Education.
Who are Allyssa Blake’s peers at other companies?
Allyssa Blake’s peers at other companies are Kathy Edmisten, Layna Gray, Sarah Sattizahn, Rachel Whyte, Sarah Gray.
Who are Allyssa Blake’s colleagues?
Some of Allyssa Blake’s colleagues are Brittaney Garba, Rick Kisinger, Julie Thounskane, Erin Roth.
How can I contact Allyssa Blake?
Allyssa Blake contact details: Email address: b***@fusd.net Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Allyssa Blake?

Allyssa Blake is the Theater Director at City of Provo based in Provo, Utah. Allyssa received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Brigham Young University....

Where is Allyssa Blake based?
Allyssa Blake works for Fontana Unified School District, located at United States