2019-present (6 years)
Allison Lavigne
BCBA Clinical Supervisor at Autism Learning Partners
Allison Lavigne Email & Phone number
Allison Lavigne Current Workplace
1055 E Colorado Blvd Ste 560, Pasadena, California, 91106, United States
Phone Number
(818) 241-6780
Number of Employees
Allison Lavigne Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
4Average duration at a company (years)
3Number of job titles
5About Allison Lavigne
Allison Lavigne is a BCBA Clinical Supervisor at Autism Learning Partners based in Pasadena, California.
Previously, Allison was a Bcba at Venture Community Services and also held positions at ServiceNet, Fallon Health.
Allison received a Bachelor of Psychology degree from University of Massachusetts, Amherst and a Master of Applied Behavior Analysis from Bay Path University.
Allison Lavigne Current Workplace
Autism Learning Partners
Established in 1988, Autism Learning Partners is a full service provider that specializes in the treatment of autism and other developmental disabilities. They are headquartered in Pasadena, California with offices throughout the United States.
Allison Lavigne Work Experience & Education
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Allison Lavigne
Allison Lavigne is a BCBA Clinical Supervisor at Autism Learning Partners based in Pasadena, California. Previously, Allison was a Bcba at Venture Community Services and also held positions at ServiceNet, Fallon Health. Allison received a Bachelor of Psychology degree from University of Massachusetts, Amherst and a Master of Applied Behavior Anal...