Allen Cribb

Partner at CBHF Engineers

Allen Cribb Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Allen Cribb Current Workplace


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Allen Cribb Work Experience Summary

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About Allen Cribb

Allen Cribb is a Partner at CBHF Engineers, based in Wilmington, United States. Prior to his current role, he held the position of Partner at Mcbh Engineers. Cribb holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, and his professional expertise includes overseeing various engineering projects and managing client relationships.Explore more

Allen Cribb Current Workplace

CBHF Engineers

2013-present (12 years)

CBHF Engineers, PLLC is a full service mechanical, electrical and plumbing engineering firm providing pre-planning, design, bidding and construction administration located in Wilmington, NC. CBHF Engineers has three principals, each licensed to practice engineering in North Carolina in addition to numerous other states. Allen Cribb, PE and Jason Famiglietti, PE specialize in Electrical Engineering while David Hahn, PE specializes in Mechanical Engineering. The remaining staff include registered Mechanical Engineers, Senior Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Designers, experienced AutoCAD and Revit Design Technicians, administrative staff and a construction/field administrator. This makes up a total staff of 17. CBHF Engineers has completed many projects within New Hanover, Pender, and Brunswick Counties, the City of Wilmington, North Carolina and throughout the southeast. Design projects are diverse and range from commercial, institutional, and retail to industrial and military. ConstSee more

Allen Cribb Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience


Mcbh Engineers



Cribb Consulting Engineers


Electrical Engineer

McKim & Creed




Bachelor of Science - Electrical Engineering Technology

University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Master of Business Administration

University of North Carolina at Wilmington

Org Chart - CBHF Engineers






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Allen Cribb

What company does Allen Cribb work for?
Allen Cribb works for CBHF Engineers as Partner
What is Allen Cribb’s role in CBHF Engineers?
Allen Cribb’s role in CBHF Engineers is Partner
What is Allen Cribb’s email address?
Allen Cribb’s email address is a***@cbhfengineers.com
What is Allen Cribb’s business email address?
Allen Cribb’s business email address is a***@cbhfengineers.com
What is Allen Cribb’s direct phone number?
Allen Cribb’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Allen Cribb’s work phone number?
Allen Cribb’s headquarters phone number is (910) 791-4000
What is Allen Cribb’s latest job experience?
Allen Cribb’s latest job experience is Partner at Mcbh Engineers
What is Allen Cribb’s latest education?
Allen Cribb’s latest education in Bachelor of Science - Electrical Engineering Technology at University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Which industry does Allen Cribb work in?
Allen Cribb works in the industry of Architecture, Engineering & Design, Construction.
Who are Allen Cribb’s peers at other companies?
Allen Cribb’s peers at other companies are Edward Chan, Thomas Potter, John Fontillas, Rod Allan, Greta Weil.
Who are Allen Cribb’s colleagues?
Some of Allen Cribb’s colleagues are Brent Stanley, Ron Covil, Marci Presnell, Gary McKnight.
How can I contact Allen Cribb?
Allen Cribb contact details: Email address: a***@cbhfengineers.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Allen Cribb?

Allen Cribb is a Partner at CBHF Engineers, based in Wilmington, United States. Prior to his current role, he held the position of Partner at Mcbh Engineers. Cribb holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, and his professional expertise includes overseeing various engineering projects and managing client... relationships.Read More

Where is Allen Cribb based?
Allen Cribb works for CBHF Engineers, located at United States
See more information about Allen Cribb

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