
Allegra Giussani

Group Fitness Instructor at Reily Student Recreation Center

Allegra Giussani Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Allegra Giussani Current Workplace


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Allegra Giussani Work Experience Summary

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About Allegra Giussani

Allegra Giussani is a Group Fitness Instructor at Reily Student Recreation Center based in New Orleans, Louisiana. Previously, Allegra was a Sales Lead and Fashion Stylist at Shake Your Bon Bon and also held positions at Rock N Rags, Scuola Italiana Enrico Fermi, Fresh Prints.Explore more

Allegra Giussani Current Workplace

Reily Student Recreation Center

2023-present (2 years)

The Department of Campus Recreation encourages personal growth by providing recreational and wellness opportunities to the Tulane community. We are committed to creating an environment which fosters the physical and social development of students, lifelong learning, respect, and cultural diversity. The Department of Campus Recreation is dedicated to offering some of the most popular and participated in programs and services on campus. With a total of 5,029 hours of operation and over 400k entries annually, the center is truly a campus destination. Annually 4,000 students are engaged in Club Sports, Intramural Sports, Fitness & Wellness, Informal Recreation, Aquatics, Late Night, and Outdoor Trips programs. The Department of Campus Recreation is housed within the 156K sf. Reily Student Recreation Center. In addition to a large facility, the staff also manage the Brown Field (a synthetic turf field), two Reily outdoor tennis courts, and five university quads. Leadership and management ofSee more

Allegra Giussani Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Public Relations Intern

Rock N Rags


Campus Manager

Fresh Prints


Sales Lead and Fashion Stylist

Shake Your Bon Bon


Italian Teaching Assistant

Scuola Italiana Enrico Fermi


Org Chart - Reily Student Recreation Center


Group Fitness Instructor




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Allegra Giussani

What company does Allegra Giussani work for?
Allegra Giussani works for Reily Student Recreation Center as Group Fitness Instructor
What is Allegra Giussani’s role in Reily Student Recreation Center?
Allegra Giussani’s role in Reily Student Recreation Center is Group Fitness Instructor
What is Allegra Giussani’s email address?
Allegra Giussani’s email address is a***@tulane.edu
What is Allegra Giussani’s business email address?
Allegra Giussani’s business email address is a***@tulane.edu
What is Allegra Giussani’s direct phone number?
Allegra Giussani’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Allegra Giussani’s work phone number?
Allegra Giussani’s headquarters phone number is (504) 865-5431
What is Allegra Giussani’s latest job experience?
Allegra Giussani’s latest job experience is Public Relations Intern at Rock N Rags
Which industry does Allegra Giussani work in?
Allegra Giussani works in the industry of Colleges & Universities, Education.
Who are Allegra Giussani’s peers at other companies?
Allegra Giussani’s peers at other companies are Mackenzie Burnham, Edward Blair, Litsu Rehak, Jane Mcneil, Divya Venkatesh.
Who are Allegra Giussani’s colleagues?
Some of Allegra Giussani’s colleagues are Kendall Jarvis, Hannah Cukierman, Cam Weaver, Brooke Kinney.
How can I contact Allegra Giussani?
Allegra Giussani contact details: Email address: a***@tulane.edu Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Allegra Giussani?

Allegra Giussani is a Group Fitness Instructor at Reily Student Recreation Center based in New Orleans, Louisiana. Previously, Allegra was a Sales Lead and Fashion Stylist at Shake Your Bon Bon and also held positions at Rock N Rags, Scuola Italiana Enrico Fermi, Fresh Prints.... Read More

Where is Allegra Giussani based?
Allegra Giussani works for Reily Student Recreation Center, located at United States
See more information about Allegra Giussani

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