
Alicia Brown

Chief Of Staff To Chief Marketing Officer of ISG, Lenovo at Lenovo

Alicia Brown Email & Phone number

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(919) ***-****

Alicia Brown Current Workplace





Number of Employees

Alicia Brown Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Alicia Brown

Alicia Brown is a Chief Of Staff To Chief Marketing Officer of ISG, Lenovo at Lenovo based in Hong Kong, Beijing. Previously, Alicia was an Internal Communications, Data Center Group at Lenovo and also held positions at Cisco Systems, US LEC, Jennings Healthcare Marketing, Bear Rock Cafe. Alicia received a Bachelor of Science degree from North Carolina State University - College of Management.Explore more

Alicia Brown Current Workplace


2020-present (5 years)

Lenovo Group Limited, together with its subsidiaries, develops, manufactures, and markets technology products and services. The company operates through China, Asia Pacific, Europe-Middle East-Africa, and Americas segments. It offers commercial and consumer personal computers, as well as servers and workstations; mobile Internet devices, including tablets and smart phones; server, storage, and networking products; and laptops and desktops, as well as accessories. The company also distributes mobile phones, smart phones and tablets, and server and storage products; retails and services consumer electronic products; offers repair services for computer hardware and software systems; develops, owns, licenses, and sells communications hardware and software; and researches and develops mobile software, as well as operates as a procurement agency. In addition, it provides business planning, management, global supply chain, finance, and administration support services. The company was foundedSee more

Alicia Brown Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Internal Communications, Data Center Group



Strategy Senior Analyst



Program Manager, Marketing

Cisco Systems


Account Executive

Jennings Healthcare Marketing




Bachelor of Science - Business Management

North Carolina State University - College of Management

Org Chart - Lenovo

Chief Of Staff To Chief Marketing O...





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Alicia Brown

What company does Alicia Brown work for?
Alicia Brown works for Lenovo as Chief Of Staff To Chief Marketing Officer of ISG, Lenovo
What is Alicia Brown’s role in Lenovo?
Alicia Brown’s role in Lenovo is Chief Of Staff To Chief Marketing Officer of ISG, Lenovo
What is Alicia Brown’s email address?
Alicia Brown’s email address is a***@lenovo.com
What is Alicia Brown’s business email address?
Alicia Brown’s business email address is a***@lenovo.com
What is Alicia Brown’s direct phone number?
Alicia Brown’s direct phone number is (919) ***-****
What is Alicia Brown’s work phone number?
Alicia Brown’s headquarters phone number is +86 1057872531
What is Alicia Brown’s latest job experience?
Alicia Brown’s latest job experience is Internal Communications, Data Center Group at Lenovo
What is Alicia Brown’s latest education?
Alicia Brown’s latest education in Bachelor of Science - Business Management at North Carolina State University - College of Management
Which industry does Alicia Brown work in?
Alicia Brown works in the industry of Computer Networking Equipment, Network Security Hardware & Software, Computer Equipment & Peripherals.
Who are Alicia Brown’s peers at other companies?
Alicia Brown’s peers at other companies are Bethany Jones, Maja Winton, Shonta Holloway, Ben Milam, Ashley Jacobs.
Who are Alicia Brown’s colleagues?
Some of Alicia Brown’s colleagues are Sandeep Karandikar, Jose Gapasin, Alexis Serna, Edward Preble.
How can I contact Alicia Brown?
Alicia Brown contact details: Email address: a***@lenovo.com Phone number: (919) ***-****
Who is Alicia Brown?

Alicia Brown is a Chief Of Staff To Chief Marketing Officer of ISG, Lenovo at Lenovo based in Hong Kong, Beijing. Previously, Alicia was an Internal Communications, Data Center Group at Lenovo and also held positions at Cisco Systems, US LEC, Jennings Healthcare Marketing, Bear Rock Cafe. Alicia received a Bachelor of Science degree from North Ca... rolina State University - College of Management.Read More

Where is Alicia Brown based?
Alicia Brown works for Lenovo, located at China
See more information about Alicia Brown

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