Alfred Dingler

Divorce Strategies Consultant - Uncontested, Mediation and Collaborative Divorce Resources at Prime Insurance Agency

Alfred Dingler Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Alfred Dingler Current Workplace


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Alfred Dingler Work Experience Summary

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About Alfred Dingler

Alfred Dingler is a Divorce Strategies Consultant - Uncontested, Mediation and Collaborative Divorce Resources at Prime Insurance Agency based in Fayetteville, Georgia. Previously, Alfred was an Insurance Agent and Consultant. President and Owner at Prime Insurance Agency and also held positions at Prime Educational Services, Prime Image Consulting. Alfred received a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Georgia College & State University.Explore more

Alfred Dingler Current Workplace

Prime Insurance Agency

1985-present (40 years)

We have found that one single event in a person's life like marriage, change of job or an addition to your family can impact so many different areas of your life. To help our clients plan for the future and understand the comprehensive range of services our companies provide, we have created the global name, The Prime Family of Companies. The Prime Family of Companies helps our clients understand how we can help them: Prime Financial Services, Inc., Prime Insurance Agency, Inc., Prime Educational Services, Inc., Prime Divorce Strategies Inc., Prime Accounting Resources Inc., Prime Image Consulting, Inc., and Prime's Legal Resources. Each of these companies provides services that are unique and different. All companies adhere to any laws and/or licensure required for the services they provide. The companies operate independently from each other, with each one having different legal contracts governing their fees for the products and services provided. If you have any concerns about theSee more

Alfred Dingler Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Insurance Agent and Consultant. President and Owner

Prime Insurance Agency


Investment Financial Advisor & President & Owner

Prime Financial Services


Educational Services, College Admissions Planning Specialist

Prime Educational Services


Business and Image Branding Consultant. Marketing Services Specialist

Prime Image Consulting




Bachelor of Business Administration

Georgia College & State University

Org Chart - Prime Insurance Agency


Divorce Strategies Consultant - Unc...




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Alfred Dingler

What company does Alfred Dingler work for?
Alfred Dingler works for Prime Insurance Agency as Divorce Strategies Consultant - Uncontested, Mediation and Collaborative Divorce Resources
What is Alfred Dingler’s role in Prime Insurance Agency?
Alfred Dingler’s role in Prime Insurance Agency is Divorce Strategies Consultant - Uncontested, Mediation and Collaborative Divorce Resources
What is Alfred Dingler’s email address?
Alfred Dingler’s email address is a***@primefinancialservices.net
What is Alfred Dingler’s business email address?
Alfred Dingler’s business email address is a***@primefinancialservices.net
What is Alfred Dingler’s direct phone number?
Alfred Dingler’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Alfred Dingler’s work phone number?
Alfred Dingler’s headquarters phone number is (770) 471-8888
What is Alfred Dingler’s latest job experience?
Alfred Dingler’s latest job experience is Insurance Agent and Consultant. President and Owner at Prime Insurance Agency
What is Alfred Dingler’s latest education?
Alfred Dingler’s latest education in Bachelor of Business Administration at Georgia College & State University
Which industry does Alfred Dingler work in?
Alfred Dingler works in the industry of Insurance.
Who are Alfred Dingler’s colleagues?
Some of Alfred Dingler’s colleagues are Tonya Dispain.
How can I contact Alfred Dingler?
Alfred Dingler contact details: Email address: a***@primefinancialservices.net Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Alfred Dingler?

Alfred Dingler is a Divorce Strategies Consultant - Uncontested, Mediation and Collaborative Divorce Resources at Prime Insurance Agency based in Fayetteville, Georgia. Previously, Alfred was an Insurance Agent and Consultant. President and Owner at Prime Insurance Agency and also held positions at Prime Educational Services, Prime Image Consultin... g. Alfred received a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Georgia College & State University.Read More

Where is Alfred Dingler based?
Alfred Dingler works for Prime Insurance Agency, located at United States
See more information about Alfred Dingler

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