Alfonso Barcenas

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Alfonso Barcenas Current Workplace



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About Alfonso Barcenas

Alfonso Barcenas works at The Lisa McPherson Trust, which is a Membership Organizations company with an estimated 9 employees. Alfonso is currently based in Clearwater, Florida. Found email listings include: more

Alfonso Barcenas Current Workplace

The Lisa McPherson Trust

2016-present (8 years)

The mission of The Lisa McPherson Trust is to expose the abusive and deceptive practices of the Church of Scientology and to help those who have been victimized by it. These were the final wishes of Lisa McPherson's mother, Fannie, who died before the Church of Scientology was held to account for Lisa's death. To accomplish our mission, we will demystify and thereby make transparent the coercive processes and practices of the Church of Scientology. In this way, informed consumers can make an educated decision about whether Scientology can meet their psychological or spiritual needs. We will expose the Church of Scientology's abuse of the human, civil and privacy rights of its members and critics. We will reveal its deceptive advertising practices that border on consumer fraud. We will bring to light those "religious practices" that violate civil or criminal law. At the same time, we will respect the right of all Scientologists to embrace any religious belief they may choose. We will asSee more

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Alfonso Barcenas

What is Alfonso Barcenas’s email address?
Alfonso Barcenas’s email address is a***
What is Alfonso Barcenas’s business email address?
Alfonso Barcenas’s business email address is a***
What is Alfonso Barcenas’s direct phone number?
Alfonso Barcenas’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Alfonso Barcenas’s work phone number?
Alfonso Barcenas’s headquarters phone number is (727) 467-9335
Which industry does Alfonso Barcenas work in?
Alfonso Barcenas works in the industry of Membership Organizations, Organizations.
Who are Alfonso Barcenas’s colleagues?
Some of Alfonso Barcenas’s colleagues are Wally Pope, L. Hubbrd, Teresa Summers, Alain Kartuzinski.
How can I contact Alfonso Barcenas?
Alfonso Barcenas contact details: Email address: a*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Where is Alfonso Barcenas based?
Alfonso Barcenas works for The Lisa McPherson Trust, located at United States
See more information about Alfonso Barcenas

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