Alexander MacDougall

President at Alumni Association

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About Alexander MacDougall

Alexander MacDougall is the President at Alumni Association based in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania.Explore more

Alexander MacDougall Current Workplace

Alumni Association

2024-present (3 months)

The picnic is right around the corner July 24 at 11:00 (rain or shine)! I hope your calendar is marked. The Alumni Association will provide the meats, rolls & water. If you can please bring a covered dish to share. If you want something other than water to drink feel free to bring it. The picnic is at Greene Township Park, 996 Elevator St., Scotland PA (across from the pond entrance of the school). Any questions please feel to call me at 717-698-8905. If I dont answer please leave your name and number so I can call you back. Good afternoon, The newsletter with the reunion details is currently at the printer. I am hoping it will be mailed this week. The clock is ticking, and I am concerned some of you may not get it in time. I am hoping to be able to share details in emails. This email contains the schedule of events. I will send another email with the registration & donation form and another with the hotels in the Chambersburg area. I may not be able to send all the emails today becausSee more

Org Chart - Alumni Association






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Alexander MacDougall

What company does Alexander MacDougall work for?
Alexander MacDougall works for Alumni Association as President
What is Alexander MacDougall’s role in Alumni Association?
Alexander MacDougall’s role in Alumni Association is President
What is Alexander MacDougall’s email address?
Alexander MacDougall’s email address is a***
What is Alexander MacDougall’s business email address?
Alexander MacDougall’s business email address is a***
What is Alexander MacDougall’s direct phone number?
Alexander MacDougall’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Alexander MacDougall’s work phone number?
Alexander MacDougall’s headquarters phone number is (717) 267-0860
Which industry does Alexander MacDougall work in?
Alexander MacDougall works in the industry of Education General, Education.
Who are Alexander MacDougall’s peers at other companies?
Alexander MacDougall’s peers at other companies are Carmen Walling, Timm Frischmon, Mark Merrion, Eddie Farnsworth, Ron Shiira.
Who are Alexander MacDougall’s colleagues?
Some of Alexander MacDougall’s colleagues are Pard Stark, Frank Wilson, Adam Pratt, Koh Ikeda.
How can I contact Alexander MacDougall?
Alexander MacDougall contact details: Email address: a*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Alexander MacDougall?

Alexander MacDougall is the President at Alumni Association based in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania.... Read More

Where is Alexander MacDougall based?
Alexander MacDougall works for Alumni Association, located at United States
Who is Alumni Association’s President?
Alumni Association's President is Alexander MacDougall
See more information about Alexander MacDougall

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