2019-present (6 years)
Alexa James Email & Phone number
Alexa James Current Workplace
225 W Washington St, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46204, United States
(317) 636-1600
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Alexa James Work Experience Summary
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4About Alexa James
Alexa James is a Manager, Cyber Security Special Projects at Simon based in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Previously, Alexa was a Digital Marketing Specialist at Simon and also held positions at Stryker.
Alexa James Current Workplace
Simon is a real estate investment trust engaged in the ownership of premier shopping, dining, entertainment and mixed-use destinations and an S&P 100 company (Simon Property Group, NYSE: SPG). Our properties across North America, Europe and Asia provide community gathering places for millions of people every day and generate billions in annual sales.
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Alexa James
Alexa James is a Manager, Cyber Security Special Projects at Simon based in Indianapolis, Indiana. Previously, Alexa was a Digital Marketing Specialist at Simon and also held positions at Stryker....