
Alexa Doeschner

Superintendent For Curriculum, Instruction & Technology Assistant at Glen Cove Mansion

Alexa Doeschner Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(516) ***-****

Alexa Doeschner Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Alexa Doeschner Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Alexa Doeschner

Alexa Doeschner is a Superintendent For Curriculum, Instruction & Technology Assistant at Glen Cove Mansion based in Glen Cove, New York. Previously, Alexa was an Elementary School Principal at Glen Cove Mansion and also held positions at NYC Department of Education, Columbia University, ColumbiaDoctors. Alexa received a Bachelor of Biology degree from Columbia University in the City of New York and a Master of Science of Teaching from Pace University.Explore more

Alexa Doeschner Current Workplace

Glen Cove Mansion

2022-present (3 years)

The award-winning Glen Cove Mansion, Long Island Hotel and Conference Center is situated on 55 secluded and landscaped acres on Long Island's historic Gold Coast, 30 minutes from New York City by car and rail (Long Island Railroad, Oyster Bay line, Glen Cove Station), and close to JFK International and LaGuardia Airports. The elegant property features 187 richly-appointed hotel guestrooms & suites situated in contemporary guest wings extending from the north facade of the historic Mansion, as well as the Garden Room Restaurant with magnificent views of the terraces, a large and comfortable Pub 1910, private dining rooms ideal for social and corporate occasions, and vast outdoor reception areas overlooking the mansion's Gilded Age gardens. Our Long Island Conference Center offers 29,000 square feet of event and meeting space, with 27 dedicated conference rooms accommodating from 10 to 280 guests, advanced meeting technology, an executive business center and conference concierge servicesSee more

Alexa Doeschner Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Elementary School Principal

Glen Cove Mansion


District Science Coordinator

Glen Cove Mansion


High School Assistant Principal

Glen Cove Mansion


Assistant Principal

NYC Department of Education




Bachelor of Biology

Columbia University in the City of New York

Master of Science of Teaching - Secondary Education and Teaching

Pace University

Master of Education - Organizational Leadership

Teachers College of Columbia University

Org Chart - Glen Cove Mansion


Superintendent For Curriculum, Inst...




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Alexa Doeschner

What company does Alexa Doeschner work for?
Alexa Doeschner works for Glen Cove Mansion as Superintendent For Curriculum, Instruction & Technology Assistant
What is Alexa Doeschner’s role in Glen Cove Mansion?
Alexa Doeschner’s role in Glen Cove Mansion is Superintendent For Curriculum, Instruction & Technology Assistant
What is Alexa Doeschner’s email address?
Alexa Doeschner’s email address is a***@glencove.k12.ny.us
What is Alexa Doeschner’s business email address?
Alexa Doeschner’s business email address is a***@glencove.k12.ny.us
What is Alexa Doeschner’s direct phone number?
Alexa Doeschner’s direct phone number is (516) ***-****
What is Alexa Doeschner’s work phone number?
Alexa Doeschner’s headquarters phone number is (516) 671-6400
What is Alexa Doeschner’s latest job experience?
Alexa Doeschner’s latest job experience is Elementary School Principal at Glen Cove Mansion
What is Alexa Doeschner’s latest education?
Alexa Doeschner’s latest education in Bachelor of Biology at Columbia University in the City of New York
Which industry does Alexa Doeschner work in?
Alexa Doeschner works in the industry of Sports Teams & Leagues, Hospitality.
Who are Alexa Doeschner’s colleagues?
Some of Alexa Doeschner’s colleagues are Kasey Crean, Gerianne McArdle, Nancy Cox, Jaime Sharfman.
How can I contact Alexa Doeschner?
Alexa Doeschner contact details: Email address: a***@glencove.k12.ny.us Phone number: (516) ***-****
Who is Alexa Doeschner?

Alexa Doeschner is a Superintendent For Curriculum, Instruction & Technology Assistant at Glen Cove Mansion based in Glen Cove, New York. Previously, Alexa was an Elementary School Principal at Glen Cove Mansion and also held positions at NYC Department of Education, Columbia University, ColumbiaDoctors. Alexa received a Bachelor of Biology degre... e from Columbia University in the City of New York and a Master of Science of Teaching from Pace University.Read More

Where is Alexa Doeschner based?
Alexa Doeschner works for Glen Cove Mansion, located at United States
See more information about Alexa Doeschner

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