2024-present (5 months)
Alex Sparr Email & Phone number
Alex Sparr Current Workplace
526 Nilles Rd, Fairfield, Ohio, 45014, United States
Phone Number
(513) 939-1800
Number of Employees
Alex Sparr Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
4Average duration at a company (years)
3Number of job titles
6About Alex Sparr
Alex Sparr is a Manager, Digital Strategy at Design and Software International based in Fairfield, Ohio.
Previously, Alex was a Director, Innovation Deployment at PartsBadger and also held positions at On Target Tooling, GWS Tool Group.
Alex Sparr Current Workplace
Design and Software International
Design & Software International, Inc. is a company you can trust. While many CAD/CAM providers focus strictly on product sales, Design and Software has the experience to assist you with design advice and product support through out your complete manufacturing cycle. Our experience shows, with numerous performance awards. Design and Software maintains a high level of industry involvement and is a current member of several industry organizations. Our Staff has one of the widest ranges of design manufacturing experience in the industry. Design and Software personnel have direct experience in Patternmaking, Moldmaking, Aerospace Components, Solid Modeling, Plastic Trimming, Reverse Engineering, Cylinder Head Porting, 5 Axis CNC programming, Medical Orthotic appliances, Dental applications, Shoe design and manufacturing, Custom Post Processors and more.
Alex Sparr Work Experience & Education
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Alex Sparr
Alex Sparr is a Manager, Digital Strategy at Design and Software International based in Fairfield, Ohio. Previously, Alex was a Director, Innovation Deployment at PartsBadger and also held positions at On Target Tooling, GWS Tool Group....