
Alex Corrales

Chief Executive Officer at Worcester Housing Authority

Alex Corrales Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(508) ***-****

Alex Corrales Current Workplace


Phone Number

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Alex Corrales Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Alex Corrales

Alex Corrales, Chief Executive Officer at the Worcester Housing Authority, is a seasoned professional with a strong background in the field. Responsible for overseeing the operations and strategic direction of the organization, Corrales previously served as the Assistant Executive Director at the Worcester Housing Authority, honing his leadership skills and deepening his understanding of the industry. Though his educational background is not available, Corrales' commitment to his work and his community is evident in his tenure and achievements within the Worcester Housing Authority.Explore more

Alex Corrales Current Workplace

Worcester Housing Authority

2016-present (9 years)

The mission of the Worcester Housing Authority (WHA) is to enhance the Worcester community by creating and sustaining decent, safe, and affordable housing that champions stability and self-sufficiency for our residents. As the second largest Housing Authority in New England, WHA provides housing to over 3,000 households in 24 developments as well as an additional 4000 households in their Section 8 program. WHA has long been recognized for its innovative and compassionate approach with its resident and housing units.

Alex Corrales Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Assistant Executive Director

Worcester Housing Authority


Deputy Director, Development

Worcester Housing Authority


Executive Director

Springfield Housing Authority


Assistant Executive Director

Springfield Housing Authority




North High School
Syracuse University
Belmont Community School

Org Chart - Worcester Housing Authority

Chief Executive Officer





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Alex Corrales

What company does Alex Corrales work for?
Alex Corrales works for Worcester Housing Authority as Chief Executive Officer
What is Alex Corrales’s role in Worcester Housing Authority?
Alex Corrales’s role in Worcester Housing Authority is Chief Executive Officer
What is Alex Corrales’s email address?
Alex Corrales’s email address is c***@worcesterha.org
What is Alex Corrales’s business email address?
Alex Corrales’s business email address is c***@worcesterha.org
What is Alex Corrales’s direct phone number?
Alex Corrales’s direct phone number is (508) ***-****
What is Alex Corrales’s work phone number?
Alex Corrales’s headquarters phone number is (508) 635-3000
What is Alex Corrales’s latest job experience?
Alex Corrales’s latest job experience is Assistant Executive Director at Worcester Housing Authority
Which industry does Alex Corrales work in?
Alex Corrales works in the industry of Government.
Who are Alex Corrales’s peers at other companies?
Alex Corrales’s peers at other companies are Jamantha Horne, Jen O'Farrell, Raymond Rufino, Charlees Hacklerd, Ankur Bishnoi.
Who are Alex Corrales’s colleagues?
Some of Alex Corrales’s colleagues are Colleen Anderson, Diana Mercado, Yahaira Juica, Tyler Mowll.
How can I contact Alex Corrales?
Alex Corrales contact details: Email address: c***@worcesterha.org Phone number: (508) ***-****
Who is Alex Corrales?

Alex Corrales, Chief Executive Officer at the Worcester Housing Authority, is a seasoned professional with a strong background in the field. Responsible for overseeing the operations and strategic direction of the organization, Corrales previously served as the Assistant Executive Director at the Worcester Housing Authority, honing his leadership s... kills and deepening his understanding of the industry. Though his educational background is not available, Corrales' commitment to his work and his community is evident in his tenure and achievements within the Worcester Housing Authority.Read More

Where is Alex Corrales based?
Alex Corrales works for Worcester Housing Authority, located at United States
Who is Worcester Housing Authority’s Chief Executive Officer?
Worcester Housing Authority's Chief Executive Officer is Alex Corrales
See more information about Alex Corrales

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