
Alan Lawrence

Instructors at Art Center College of Design

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About Alan Lawrence

Alan Lawrence is an Instructors at Art Center College of Design based in Pasadena, California.Explore more

Alan Lawrence Current Workplace

Art Center College of Design

2023-present (2 years)

ArtCenter College of Design (stylized as ArtCenter College of Design) is a private art university in Pasadena, California. It was incorporated in 1930 as a degree-granting institution of higher learning in the US created specifically for students of both the visual and design. It offers Bachelor of Fine Arts, Bachelor of Science, Master of Fine Arts, Master of Arts, Master of Science Doctor of Arts, and Doctor of Science degrees across multiple majors mostly relating to design. Its early years saw an expansion due to the post-war boom, leading to its relocation to a larger space. The institution began awarding degrees in 1949 and was accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges in 1955. In 1965, it changed its name to the ArtCenter College of Design and moved to the Hillside Campus in Pasadena in 1976. In 2003, it became the first design college to receive NGO status from the United Nations. ArtCenter offers a variety of undergraduate and graduate programs, as well asSee more

Org Chart - Art Center College of Design






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Alan Lawrence

What company does Alan Lawrence work for?
Alan Lawrence works for Art Center College of Design as Instructors
What is Alan Lawrence’s role in Art Center College of Design?
Alan Lawrence’s role in Art Center College of Design is Instructors
What is Alan Lawrence’s email address?
Alan Lawrence’s email address is a***@artcenter.edu
What is Alan Lawrence’s business email address?
Alan Lawrence’s business email address is a***@artcenter.edu
What is Alan Lawrence’s direct phone number?
Alan Lawrence’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Alan Lawrence’s work phone number?
Alan Lawrence’s headquarters phone number is (626) 396-2200
Which industry does Alan Lawrence work in?
Alan Lawrence works in the industry of Colleges & Universities, Education.
Who are Alan Lawrence’s peers at other companies?
Alan Lawrence’s peers at other companies are Danny Catt, Patricia Oberndorf, Donald Genasci, Yasmin Zayed, Tess Clancy.
Who are Alan Lawrence’s colleagues?
Some of Alan Lawrence’s colleagues are Kit Baron, Jason Inouye, Phung Lai, Jon Nguyen.
How can I contact Alan Lawrence?
Alan Lawrence contact details: Email address: a***@artcenter.edu Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Alan Lawrence?

Alan Lawrence is an Instructors at Art Center College of Design based in Pasadena, California.... Read More

Where is Alan Lawrence based?
Alan Lawrence works for Art Center College of Design, located at United States
See more information about Alan Lawrence

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