
Ajith Retnakaran

Senior Sales Executive at Misterlight Electrical Installations Items Trading

Ajith Retnakaran Email & Phone number

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+971 * *** ****

Ajith Retnakaran Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Ajith Retnakaran Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Ajith Retnakaran

Ajith Retnakaran is a Senior Sales Executive at Misterlight Electrical Installations Items Trading based in Bruxelles, Manitoba. Previously, Ajith was a Sales Executive at Royal City Electrical Appliances and also held positions at Brands Electrical Equipment.Explore more

Ajith Retnakaran Current Workplace

Misterlight specializes in the business of high performance fire alarm and instrumentation cables, marine power transmission cables, and medium and low-voltage cables for the construction and infrastructure industry. Misterlight is observing a great development in the Middle East region following the win of EXPO 2020 along with which we intend to be and remain a strategic partner. We continue to build on our reputation as a key supplier and today our product focus is on high - efficiency, energy saving solutions for domestic and commercial applications. Our knowledge and industry specific experience assures our customers with complete technical and commercial support. Our association with various principals for over 20 years across the world has helped us achieve sustained, profitable growth by providing products, which consistently satisfy the needs and expectations of our customers.

Ajith Retnakaran Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Sales Executive

Royal City Electrical Appliances


Sales Executive

Brands Electrical Equipment



Extra Weave P V T Ltd


Org Chart - Misterlight Electrical Installations Items Trading


Senior Sales Executive




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Ajith Retnakaran

What company does Ajith Retnakaran work for?
Ajith Retnakaran works for Misterlight Electrical Installations Items Trading as Senior Sales Executive
What is Ajith Retnakaran’s role in Misterlight Electrical Installations Items Trading?
Ajith Retnakaran’s role in Misterlight Electrical Installations Items Trading is Senior Sales Executive
What is Ajith Retnakaran’s email address?
Ajith Retnakaran’s email address is a***@misterlight.com
What is Ajith Retnakaran’s business email address?
Ajith Retnakaran’s business email address is a***@misterlight.com
What is Ajith Retnakaran’s direct phone number?
Ajith Retnakaran’s direct phone number is +971 * *** ****
What is Ajith Retnakaran’s work phone number?
Ajith Retnakaran’s headquarters phone number is +971 48894959
What is Ajith Retnakaran’s latest job experience?
Ajith Retnakaran’s latest job experience is Sales Executive at Royal City Electrical Appliances
Which industry does Ajith Retnakaran work in?
Ajith Retnakaran works in the industry of Consumer Electronics & Computers Retail, Retail.
Who are Ajith Retnakaran’s peers at other companies?
Ajith Retnakaran’s peers at other companies are Bella Chan, John Bryan, Joseph Cianciotta, Muhammad Saad, Toyer Abrahams.
Who are Ajith Retnakaran’s colleagues?
Some of Ajith Retnakaran’s colleagues are Sethu Madhavan, Sreejith Sreedharan, Greeshma Kana, Tr Nambiar.
How can I contact Ajith Retnakaran?
Ajith Retnakaran contact details: Email address: a***@misterlight.com Phone number: +971 * *** ****
Who is Ajith Retnakaran?

Ajith Retnakaran is a Senior Sales Executive at Misterlight Electrical Installations Items Trading based in Bruxelles, Manitoba. Previously, Ajith was a Sales Executive at Royal City Electrical Appliances and also held positions at Brands Electrical Equipment.... Read More

Where is Ajith Retnakaran based?
Ajith Retnakaran works for Misterlight Electrical Installations Items Trading, located at Canada
See more information about Ajith Retnakaran

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