
Ajay Sethi

Managing Partner (India) at URBNarc

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+91 ***** *****

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About Ajay Sethi

Ajay Sethi is a Managing Partner (India) at URBNarc based in Singapore, Central Singapore.Explore more

Ajay Sethi Current Workplace


2023-present (1 year)

URBNarc was founded by Gaurang Khemka with a vision to design sustainable and complete environments - exceptional communities, places, spaces and buildings. Our expertise is designing for special situations where a unique historic, natural or urban environment requires a thoughtful and innovative solution using an integrated approach to master planning, architecture, landscape design and interior design by bringing the best professionals and a global talent pool together. Our objective is to truly create value for clients by helping them realize their visions and achieving the full potential of their property assets. We recognize that each project is unique and establish the appropriate team working collaboratively to provide a holistic solution. This project specific collaborative approach engages the combined skills, resources and experience of the team to provide synergized and integrated design solutions. We have a proven track record of collaboration with architecture, landscape,See more

Org Chart - URBNarc


Managing Partner (India)




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Ajay Sethi

What company does Ajay Sethi work for?
Ajay Sethi works for URBNarc as Managing Partner (India)
What is Ajay Sethi’s role in URBNarc?
Ajay Sethi’s role in URBNarc is Managing Partner (India)
What is Ajay Sethi’s email address?
Ajay Sethi’s email address is a***@urbnarc.com
What is Ajay Sethi’s business email address?
Ajay Sethi’s business email address is a***@urbnarc.com
What is Ajay Sethi’s direct phone number?
Ajay Sethi’s direct phone number is +91 ***** *****
What is Ajay Sethi’s work phone number?
Ajay Sethi’s headquarters phone number is +65 62227600
Which industry does Ajay Sethi work in?
Ajay Sethi works in the industry of Architecture, Engineering & Design, Construction.
Who are Ajay Sethi’s colleagues?
Some of Ajay Sethi’s colleagues are Gilbert Zinampan, Apoorva Madhusudan, Radhika Radhakrishnan, Agung Pamudji.
How can I contact Ajay Sethi?
Ajay Sethi contact details: Email address: a***@urbnarc.com Phone number: +91 ***** *****
Who is Ajay Sethi?

Ajay Sethi is a Managing Partner (India) at URBNarc based in Singapore, Central Singapore.... Read More

Where is Ajay Sethi based?
Ajay Sethi works for URBNarc, located at Singapore
See more information about Ajay Sethi

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