Aiden Mhere

Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer at Tongaat Hulett

Aiden Mhere Email & Phone number

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+263 *** *** ****

Aiden Mhere Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Aiden Mhere Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Aiden Mhere

Aiden (57) joined Hippo Valley Estates Ltd in November 1999 as Commercial Executive responsible for marketing and strategy. Over the years he has held various executive roles including being Procurement Director for Tongaat Hulett – Zimbabwe Operations from 2007 to 2012. Aiden further acquired valuable exposure to regional and global commercial dynamics as Team Leader of the Tongaat Hulett Strategic Sourcing Division, based in Durban from 2012 to 2014. On his return to Zimbabwe in October 2014, he was appointed Commercial Director and Operations Executive responsible for commercial, agricultural and manufacturing operations for Tongaat Hulett operations in Zimbabwe. Aiden was appointed to the Hippo Valley Estates Board on 1 November 2018.Explore more

Aiden Mhere Current Workplace

Tongaat Hulett

2019-present (5 years)

Tongaat Hulett is agriculture. and agri-processing business, focusing on the complementary feedstocks of sugarcane and maize. Tongaat Hulett was founded in 1875 and is headquartered in South Africa.

Aiden Mhere Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience


Midlands Golf Association, Zimbabwe Golf Association


Director, Commercial & Group Director, Procurement & Acting Chief Executive Officer

Anglo Zim, Tongaat Hulett Zim


General Manager, Acting Managing Director

TA Holdings Ltd, Blue Ribbon Foods Ltd, United Refineries Ltd)



Nottingham Trent University, University of Zimbabwe




Master of Business Administration - MBA, Business & Strategy, Merit

University of Zimbabwe

Org Chart - Tongaat Hulett

Managing Director & Chief Executive...





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Aiden Mhere

What company does Aiden Mhere work for?
Aiden Mhere works for Tongaat Hulett as Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer
What is Aiden Mhere’s role in Tongaat Hulett?
Aiden Mhere’s role in Tongaat Hulett is Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer
What is Aiden Mhere’s email address?
Aiden Mhere’s email address is a***@tongaat.com
What is Aiden Mhere’s business email address?
Aiden Mhere’s business email address is a***@tongaat.com
What is Aiden Mhere’s direct phone number?
Aiden Mhere’s direct phone number is +263 *** *** ****
What is Aiden Mhere’s work phone number?
Aiden Mhere’s headquarters phone number is +27 324394000
What is Aiden Mhere’s latest job experience?
Aiden Mhere’s latest job experience is President at Midlands Golf Association, Zimbabwe Golf Association
What is Aiden Mhere’s latest education?
Aiden Mhere’s latest education in Master of Business Administration - MBA, Business & Strategy, Merit at University of Zimbabwe
Which industry does Aiden Mhere work in?
Aiden Mhere works in the industry of Food, Beverages & Tobacco, Manufacturing.
Who are Aiden Mhere’s peers at other companies?
Aiden Mhere’s peers at other companies are Usman Ahmed, Felix Kamassah, Cecil Lobo, John Bailey, Praveen Someshwar.
Who are Aiden Mhere’s colleagues?
Some of Aiden Mhere’s colleagues are Sjabu Zondi, Sean Jaganath, Alfredo Catsocue, Filipe Raposo.
How can I contact Aiden Mhere?
Aiden Mhere contact details: Email address: a***@tongaat.com Phone number: +263 *** *** ****
Who is Aiden Mhere?

Aiden (57) joined Hippo Valley Estates Ltd in November 1999 as Commercial Executive responsible for marketing and strategy. Over the years he has held various executive roles including being Procurement Director for Tongaat Hulett – Zimbabwe Operations from 2007 to 2012. Aiden further acquired valuable exposure to regional and global commercial dyn... amics as Team Leader of the Tongaat Hulett Strategic Sourcing Division, based in Durban from 2012 to 2014. On his return to Zimbabwe in October 2014, he was appointed Commercial Director and Operations Executive responsible for commercial, agricultural and manufacturing operations for Tongaat Hulett operations in Zimbabwe. Aiden was appointed to the Hippo Valley Estates Board on 1 November 2018.Read More

Where is Aiden Mhere based?
Aiden Mhere works for Tongaat Hulett, located at South Africa
Who is Tongaat Hulett’s Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer?
Tongaat Hulett's Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer is Aiden Mhere
See more information about Aiden Mhere

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