Ahmed Elmehdawy

Faculty Lecturer at Al Azhar

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Ahmed Elmehdawy Current Workplace


Al Azhar


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About Ahmed Elmehdawy

Ahmed Elmehdawy is a Faculty Lecturer at Al Azhar, based in Cairo, Egypt. They hold a Doctor of Science degree from Al-Azhar University, where they are responsible for teaching and research in their field.Explore more

Ahmed Elmehdawy Current Workplace

Al Azhar

2022-present (2 years)

The Al-Azhar University (1= (), , "the University of (the honorable) Al-Azhar") is a public university in Cairo, Egypt. Associated with Al-Azhar Al-Sharif in Islamic Cairo, it is Egypt's oldest degree-granting university and is renowned as one of the world's most prestigious universities for Islamic learning. Founded in 970 or 972 by the Fatimid Caliphate as a centre of Islamic learning, its students studied the Qur'an and Islamic law in detail, along with logic, grammar, rhetoric, and how to calculate the phases of the moon. Today it is the chief centre of Arabic literature and Islamic learning in the world. In 1961 additional non-religious subjects were added to its curriculum. Its library is considered second in importance in Egypt only to the Egyptian National Library and Archives.

Org Chart - Al Azhar


Faculty Lecturer




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Ahmed Elmehdawy

What company does Ahmed Elmehdawy work for?
Ahmed Elmehdawy works for Al Azhar as Faculty Lecturer
What is Ahmed Elmehdawy’s role in Al Azhar?
Ahmed Elmehdawy’s role in Al Azhar is Faculty Lecturer
What is Ahmed Elmehdawy’s direct phone number?
Ahmed Elmehdawy’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Ahmed Elmehdawy’s work phone number?
Ahmed Elmehdawy’s headquarters phone number is +20 222636192
Which industry does Ahmed Elmehdawy work in?
Ahmed Elmehdawy works in the industry of Religious Organizations, Organizations.
Who are Ahmed Elmehdawy’s peers at other companies?
Ahmed Elmehdawy’s peers at other companies are Mostafa Bakri, Kefas Kure, Ayaakor Enuameh-Agbolosoo, Darryl Tempero, Melizsa SSiMMApt.
Who are Ahmed Elmehdawy’s colleagues?
Some of Ahmed Elmehdawy’s colleagues are Ali Elshorbagy, Ayman Abdelmomen, Hind Zeyada, Hatem Kassab.
Who is Ahmed Elmehdawy?

Ahmed Elmehdawy is a Faculty Lecturer at Al Azhar, based in Cairo, Egypt. They hold a Doctor of Science degree from Al-Azhar University, where they are responsible for teaching and research in their field.... Read More

Where is Ahmed Elmehdawy based?
Ahmed Elmehdawy works for Al Azhar, located at Egypt
See more information about Ahmed Elmehdawy

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