
Ahmad Taha

HR Specialist at Qatar Islamic Insurance Group QPSC

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+974 **** ****

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About Ahmad Taha

Ahmad Taha is a HR Specialist at Qatar Islamic Insurance Group QPSC based in Doha, Baladiyat ad Dawhah.Explore more

Ahmad Taha Current Workplace

We also offer cover for business premises and other commercial needs, while our Balsam medical plans and Aman Takaful (life) insurance policies are available in individual, family and group form for company employees. Among personal lines, include medical, Takaful (life), motor, property, general accidents and travel. Life insurance that conforms with Islamic Sharia is one of the fastest growing areas of insurance, and QIIC is proud to pave the way in the Gulf region in offering this form of protection, with a savings and investment option included. From the outset, QIIC has as its name suggests - operated according to Islamic principles. The company's operations are supervised by our Sharia Supervisory Board, headed by Dr Ali Moehi El Din AL-Qurradaghi, Professor & Head of Jurisprudence of Qatar Universitys Faculty of Sharia, Law and Religious Studies. The Board monitors all our activities and gives its Sharia directives when requested. Of course, most of the Company's products and seSee more

Org Chart - Qatar Islamic Insurance Group QPSC


HR Specialist




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Ahmad Taha

What company does Ahmad Taha work for?
Ahmad Taha works for Qatar Islamic Insurance Group QPSC as HR Specialist
What is Ahmad Taha’s role in Qatar Islamic Insurance Group QPSC?
Ahmad Taha’s role in Qatar Islamic Insurance Group QPSC is HR Specialist
What is Ahmad Taha’s email address?
Ahmad Taha’s email address is a***@qiic.com.qa
What is Ahmad Taha’s business email address?
Ahmad Taha’s business email address is a***@qiic.com.qa
What is Ahmad Taha’s direct phone number?
Ahmad Taha’s direct phone number is +974 **** ****
What is Ahmad Taha’s work phone number?
Ahmad Taha’s headquarters phone number is +974 44658888
Which industry does Ahmad Taha work in?
Ahmad Taha works in the industry of Insurance.
Who are Ahmad Taha’s peers at other companies?
Ahmad Taha’s peers at other companies are Alma Johnson, Skye Lowrey, Jeniffer Diaz, Matthias Fournet, Lego Ortiz.
Who are Ahmad Taha’s colleagues?
Some of Ahmad Taha’s colleagues are Mohamed Mafaz, Fawad Iqbal, Fatima Arif, Cristina Tupaz.
How can I contact Ahmad Taha?
Ahmad Taha contact details: Email address: a***@qiic.com.qa Phone number: +974 **** ****
Who is Ahmad Taha?

Ahmad Taha is a HR Specialist at Qatar Islamic Insurance Group QPSC based in Doha, Baladiyat ad Dawhah.... Read More

Where is Ahmad Taha based?
Ahmad Taha works for Qatar Islamic Insurance Group QPSC, located at Qatar
See more information about Ahmad Taha

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