
Ahmad Sami

Purchase Officer at Trojan General Contracting

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(***) ***-****

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About Ahmad Sami

Ahmad Sami is a Purchase Officer at Trojan General Contracting based in Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi.Explore more

Ahmad Sami Current Workplace

Trojan General Contracting

2023-present (2 years)

Trojan Holding LLC was created in 2012 to create a one-stop-shop for our clients. From the very beginning, our vision has been to be one of top five construction groups in the region, recognized for our timely delivery and quality of work. Today we hold interest in several companies such as Trojan General Contracting LLC specialized in Mass Housing Projects, National projects & Construction LLC (NPC) specialized in High-rise & Infrastructure projects, Royal Advance Electro Mechanical LLC, Reem Emirates Aluminum & Glass Factory L.L.C, Hi-Tech Precast & block works Factory LLC & Al Maha Modular Steel Structures Factory LLC as well as our first agricultural project, Al Ajban poultry farm LLC. Over two years, we have successfully created a cohesive construction entity with a solid financial stand and a strong competitive edge. As an Abu Dhabi-based company, we are committed to the promotion of local businesses and the community, and the majority of our work is done in the capital. As a dirSee more

Org Chart - Trojan General Contracting


Purchase Officer




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Ahmad Sami

What company does Ahmad Sami work for?
Ahmad Sami works for Trojan General Contracting as Purchase Officer
What is Ahmad Sami’s role in Trojan General Contracting?
Ahmad Sami’s role in Trojan General Contracting is Purchase Officer
What is Ahmad Sami’s email address?
Ahmad Sami’s email address is a***@trojan.ae
What is Ahmad Sami’s business email address?
Ahmad Sami’s business email address is a***@trojan.ae
What is Ahmad Sami’s direct phone number?
Ahmad Sami’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Ahmad Sami’s work phone number?
Ahmad Sami’s headquarters phone number is +971 25097300
Which industry does Ahmad Sami work in?
Ahmad Sami works in the industry of Commercial & Residential Construction, Construction.
Who are Ahmad Sami’s peers at other companies?
Ahmad Sami’s peers at other companies are Ardee Pallasigui, Travis Hughes, Amit Khatri, Abhin Killikulangara, Reem Aljawhari.
Who are Ahmad Sami’s colleagues?
Some of Ahmad Sami’s colleagues are Farhat Rehan, Junaid Mirza, Atef Badr, Jacob Soosaiviagulam.
How can I contact Ahmad Sami?
Ahmad Sami contact details: Email address: a***@trojan.ae Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Ahmad Sami?

Ahmad Sami is a Purchase Officer at Trojan General Contracting based in Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi.... Read More

Where is Ahmad Sami based?
Ahmad Sami works for Trojan General Contracting, located at United Arab Emirates
See more information about Ahmad Sami

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