Ah Hossain

Web Developer at Xorbix Technologies

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About Ah Hossain

Ah Hossain is a Web Developer at Xorbix Technologies, responsible for designing and developing innovative web applications. They hold a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Siddheswari University.Explore more

Ah Hossain Current Workplace

Xorbix Technologies

2023-present (2 years)

Xorbix Technologies is a result focused global technology solutions company concentrating on custom software development, mobile application development, and strategic IT business consulting. Xorbix offers a wide range of services enabling our clients to focus on their core business while cost-effectively outsourcing technology solutions and business process optimization. Our focus areas of expertise include: Custom Software Development Mobile Development IT Consulting Through integration services, trajectory-oriented tools, focused methodologies and tailored delivery, we offer improved performance for your business. Teamwork is our paramount asset, making the critical difference in how assuredly we perform, and this is what separates us from our competitors. We measure our success by measuring the success of our clients. Xorbix strives to build long-term client partnerships based on trust, loyalty, accountability and results. Our service continues beyond product completion, providingSee more

Org Chart - Xorbix Technologies


Web Developer




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Ah Hossain

What company does Ah Hossain work for?
Ah Hossain works for Xorbix Technologies as Web Developer
What is Ah Hossain’s role in Xorbix Technologies?
Ah Hossain’s role in Xorbix Technologies is Web Developer
What is Ah Hossain’s direct phone number?
Ah Hossain’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Ah Hossain’s work phone number?
Ah Hossain’s headquarters phone number is (866) 568-8615
Which industry does Ah Hossain work in?
Ah Hossain works in the industry of Software & Technical Consulting, Software.
Who are Ah Hossain’s peers at other companies?
Ah Hossain’s peers at other companies are Ralph Ebron, Jack Chen, Alexey Klochkov, Kim Skalaski, Yash Gosara.
Who are Ah Hossain’s colleagues?
Some of Ah Hossain’s colleagues are Tim Connolley, Ross Vorbeck, Connor Willans, Aiden Vandenbush.
Who is Ah Hossain?

Ah Hossain is a Web Developer at Xorbix Technologies, responsible for designing and developing innovative web applications. They hold a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Siddheswari University.... Read More

Where is Ah Hossain based?
Ah Hossain works for Xorbix Technologies, located at United States
See more information about Ah Hossain

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