
Afroze Banu

Senior Manager, Human Resources at

Afroze Banu Email & Phone number

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+91 ** **** ****

Afroze Banu Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Afroze Banu

Afroze Banu is an experienced Human Resources Professional with a track record of driving strategic HR initiatives to enhance organizational performance and foster a positive workplace culture. They are currently a Senior Manager, Human Resources at Goldstone Technologies, where they are responsible for overseeing talent acquisition, employee engagement, and organizational development.Prior to their current role, Banu served as a Manager, Human Resources at Goldstone Technologies. In this position, they demonstrated their expertise in HR leadership, cross-functional team management, and implementing data-driven HR solutions. Banu is dedicated to creating inclusive and collaborative environments that maximize human capital resources and promote diversity, equity, and inclusion.Banu is committed to driving results while leveraging their proven expertise in HR. They are skilled in promoting a positive workplace culture and fostering employee engagement to support the overall success of thRead more

Afroze Banu Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Manager, Human Resources

Goldstone Technologies


Assistant Manager, Human Resources

Goldstone Technologies


HR Generalist

Goldstone Technologies


HR Executive

The 800 Review


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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Afroze Banu

What company does Afroze Banu work for?
Afroze Banu works for as Senior Manager, Human Resources
What is Afroze Banu’s email address?
Afroze Banu’s email address is a***@goldstonetech.com
What is Afroze Banu’s business email address?
Afroze Banu’s business email address is a***@goldstonetech.com
What is Afroze Banu’s direct phone number?
Afroze Banu’s direct phone number is +91 ** **** ****
What is Afroze Banu’s latest job experience?
Afroze Banu’s latest job experience is Manager, Human Resources at Goldstone Technologies
Who are Afroze Banu’s peers at other companies?
Afroze Banu’s peers at other companies are Mir Rafi, Sonika Sachdeva, Lexi Purdy, Jing Wang, Shoma Chaturvedi.
Who are Afroze Banu’s colleagues?
Some of Afroze Banu’s colleagues are Murali Kotari, Ravi Shanker, Irfan Baig, Venkat Raghunand.
How can I contact Afroze Banu?
Afroze Banu contact details: Email address: a***@goldstonetech.com Phone number: +91 ** **** ****
Who is Afroze Banu?

Afroze Banu is an experienced Human Resources Professional with a track record of driving strategic HR initiatives to enhance organizational performance and foster a positive workplace culture. They are currently a Senior Manager, Human Resources at Goldstone Technologies, where they are responsible for overseeing talent acquisition, employee engag... ement, and organizational development.Prior to their current role, Banu served as a Manager, Human Resources at Goldstone Technologies. In this position, they demonstrated their expertise in HR leadership, cross-functional team management, and implementing data-driven HR solutions. Banu is dedicated to creating inclusive and collaborative environments that maximize human capital resources and promote diversity, equity, and inclusion.Banu is committed to driving results while leveraging their proven expertise in HR. They are skilled in promoting a positive workplace culture and fostering employee engagement to support the overall success of the organization.Read More

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