Adnan Vora

Senior Software Developer at Health Data Innovations

Adnan Vora Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Adnan Vora Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Adnan Vora Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Adnan Vora

Adnan Vora is a Senior Software Developer at Health Data Innovations based in Beachwood, Ohio. Previously, Adnan was a Senior Technical Developer at Futrix and also held positions at HDMS, Publicis Sapient, SNR Consulting, Nucleus Software Exports. Adnan received a Bachelor of Engineering degree from University of Mumbai and a Master of Science from Lamar University.

Adnan Vora Current Workplace

Health Data Innovations

2011-present (14 years)

Health Data Innovations specializes in the acquisition, cleansing, standardization, and integration of all types of health data. We provide data management services to health plans and other payers, health systems and accountable care organizations, consulting and data analytics firms, claims system vendors, and other organizations that require data from external sources to drive their operations. From ongoing data integration needs to one-time data conversion projects, engaging with HDI allows our clients to spend more time working with the data and less time on data management issues.

Adnan Vora Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Senior Technical Developer



Manager, Software Development



Senior Developer




Publicis Sapient




Bachelor of Engineering

University of Mumbai

Master of Science

Lamar University

Doctor of Philosophy

Kent State University

Org Chart - Health Data Innovations

Adnan Vora

Senior Software Developer

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Adnan Vora

What company does Adnan Vora work for?
Adnan Vora works for Health Data Innovations as Senior Software Developer
What is Adnan Vora’s role in Health Data Innovations?
Adnan Vora’s role in Health Data Innovations is Senior Software Developer
What is Adnan Vora’s direct phone number?
Adnan Vora’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Adnan Vora’s work phone number?
Adnan Vora’s headquarters phone number is (216) 455-1360
What is Adnan Vora’s latest job experience?
Adnan Vora’s latest job experience is Senior Technical Developer at Futrix
What is Adnan Vora’s latest education?
Adnan Vora’s latest education in Bachelor of Engineering at University of Mumbai
Which industry does Adnan Vora work in?
Adnan Vora works in the industry of Software & Technical Consulting, Software.
Who are Adnan Vora’s peers at other companies?
Adnan Vora’s peers at other companies are Arin Sturm, Raman Walwyn-Venugopal, Tyler Hattan, Anand Gandeepan, Leslie Sanders.
Who are Adnan Vora’s colleagues?
Some of Adnan Vora’s colleagues are Vishwamohan Dharanipathi, Chelsea Kimmich, Chloe Duan, Wendy Dahar.
Who is Adnan Vora?

Adnan Vora is a Senior Software Developer at Health Data Innovations based in Beachwood, Ohio. Previously, Adnan was a Senior Technical Developer at Futrix and also held positions at HDMS, Publicis Sapient, SNR Consulting, Nucleus Software Exports. Adnan received a Bachelor of Engineering degree from University of Mumbai and a Master of Science f... rom Lamar University.

Where is Adnan Vora based?
Adnan Vora works for Health Data Innovations, located at United States