
Adi Shachar

Purchasing Department Specialist at Edikted

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About Adi Shachar

Adi Shachar is a Purchasing Department Specialist at Edikted. They are responsible for overseeing the procurement of materials and managing vendor relationships. Shachar holds a Bachelor of Laws degree from Tel Aviv University, bringing a strong legal background to their role in the company.Explore more

Adi Shachar Current Workplace


2023-present (2 years)

Edikted is an online women's fashion brand that draws inspiration from the latest street style and runway trends. The company offers a wide range of contemporary and fashion-forward clothing pieces at affordable prices, including dresses, tops, bottoms, and accessories. Edikted caters to a global clientele with international shipping options available. Their product offerings are updated frequently, including new arrivals and seasonal collections.

Org Chart - Edikted


Purchasing Department Specialist




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Adi Shachar

What company does Adi Shachar work for?
Adi Shachar works for Edikted as Purchasing Department Specialist
What is Adi Shachar’s role in Edikted?
Adi Shachar’s role in Edikted is Purchasing Department Specialist
What is Adi Shachar’s email address?
Adi Shachar’s email address is a***@edikted.com
What is Adi Shachar’s business email address?
Adi Shachar’s business email address is a***@edikted.com
What is Adi Shachar’s direct phone number?
Adi Shachar’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
Which industry does Adi Shachar work in?
Adi Shachar works in the industry of Apparel & Accessories Retail, Retail.
Who are Adi Shachar’s peers at other companies?
Adi Shachar’s peers at other companies are Tatiana Turner, Burak Elturan, Esra Kaeiral, Mohammed Achoub, Imam Muttaqien.
Who are Adi Shachar’s colleagues?
Some of Adi Shachar’s colleagues are Maya Vandermolen, Narangua Bold, Lemai Vaknin, Magaly Mello.
How can I contact Adi Shachar?
Adi Shachar contact details: Email address: a***@edikted.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Adi Shachar?

Adi Shachar is a Purchasing Department Specialist at Edikted. They are responsible for overseeing the procurement of materials and managing vendor relationships. Shachar holds a Bachelor of Laws degree from Tel Aviv University, bringing a strong legal background to their role in the company.... Read More

Where is Adi Shachar based?
Adi Shachar works for Edikted, located at United States
See more information about Adi Shachar

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