Adarsha Sreeramareddy

Chief Technology Officer at Iqlabs.io

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Adarsha Sreeramareddy Work Experience Summary

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About Adarsha Sreeramareddy

Adarsha Sreeramareddy is the Chief Technology Officer at Iqlabs.io based in H.K.P. Road, Karnataka. Adarsha received a Bachelor's degree degree from PES Institute of Technology , Bangalore and a Masters degree from University of Arizona.Explore more

Adarsha Sreeramareddy Current Workplace


2010-present (15 years)

iqlabs.io is a leading end to end engineering solutions and product company. Our expertise lies in development and manufacturing of IOT products. With a decade of experience in creating innovative, sustainable and safe products, we can offer business value across the lifecycle of product development. Our most renowned products are EV charging stations and Smart water purifier controllers. Click the link below to know more and check out some of our best products.

Adarsha Sreeramareddy Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles



Bachelor's degree - Electronics and Communication Engineering

PES Institute of Technology , Bangalore

Masters degree - Electrical and Computer engineering

University of Arizona

Org Chart - Iqlabs.io

Chief Technology Officer





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    Adarsha Sreeramareddy , Co-Founder and Director He holds a Masters degree in Electrical and Computer engineering from the University of Arizona and ...

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Adarsha Sreeramareddy

What company does Adarsha Sreeramareddy work for?
Adarsha Sreeramareddy works for Iqlabs.io as Chief Technology Officer
What is Adarsha Sreeramareddy’s role in Iqlabs.io?
Adarsha Sreeramareddy’s role in Iqlabs.io is Chief Technology Officer
What is Adarsha Sreeramareddy’s direct phone number?
Adarsha Sreeramareddy’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Adarsha Sreeramareddy’s latest education?
Adarsha Sreeramareddy’s latest education in Bachelor's degree - Electronics and Communication Engineering at PES Institute of Technology , Bangalore
Which industry does Adarsha Sreeramareddy work in?
Adarsha Sreeramareddy works in the industry of Law Firms & Legal Services.
Who are Adarsha Sreeramareddy’s peers at other companies?
Adarsha Sreeramareddy’s peers at other companies are Robert Platts, Jackie Lightfield, Michael Treanor, Greg Largent, Michael Verdello.
Who are Adarsha Sreeramareddy’s colleagues?
Some of Adarsha Sreeramareddy’s colleagues are Anvith Mahabalagiri, Kristin Watson, Mark Jance, Arya Kp.
Who is Adarsha Sreeramareddy?

Adarsha Sreeramareddy is the Chief Technology Officer at Iqlabs.io based in H.K.P. Road, Karnataka. Adarsha received a Bachelor's degree degree from PES Institute of Technology , Bangalore and a Masters degree from University of Arizona.... Read More

Where is Adarsha Sreeramareddy based?
Adarsha Sreeramareddy works for Iqlabs.io, located at India
Who is Iqlabs.io’s Chief Technology Officer?
Iqlabs.io's Chief Technology Officer is Adarsha Sreeramareddy
See more information about Adarsha Sreeramareddy

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