
Adam Omar

Seafreight Import Controller at Atlantic Forwarding

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+27 ** *** ****

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About Adam Omar

Adam Omar is a Seafreight Import Controller at Atlantic Forwarding based in Cape Town.Explore more

Adam Omar Current Workplace

Atlantic Forwarding

2011-present (14 years)

Atlantic Forwarding’s core competence has been to develop long-term business alliances with our clients by customizing distribution solutions that assist them in meeting their business objectives. We have enjoyed sustained growth mainly due to our reputation for quality and commitment to our customers. Our aim is to provide you with a quality service whatever cargo you have to move globally. Our History In 2002, three companies operating in the Western Cape merged to form Atlantic Forwarding Cape (Pty) Ltd. This has enabled us to become a niche player in the logistics field, offering global import and export clearing and forwarding services as well as domestic and over border transport. The accent has always been on providing professional, but cost effective services by acting as an extension of the customer’s management team. What differentiates us from our competitors? As an Atlantic customer, our sole objective is to assist you in landing your imports and exports timeously, cost effSee more

Org Chart - Atlantic Forwarding


Seafreight Import Controller




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Adam Omar

What company does Adam Omar work for?
Adam Omar works for Atlantic Forwarding as Seafreight Import Controller
What is Adam Omar’s role in Atlantic Forwarding?
Adam Omar’s role in Atlantic Forwarding is Seafreight Import Controller
What is Adam Omar’s email address?
Adam Omar’s email address is a***@atlanticforwarding.co.za
What is Adam Omar’s business email address?
Adam Omar’s business email address is a***@atlanticforwarding.co.za
What is Adam Omar’s direct phone number?
Adam Omar’s direct phone number is +27 ** *** ****
What is Adam Omar’s work phone number?
Adam Omar’s headquarters phone number is +27 213803999
Which industry does Adam Omar work in?
Adam Omar works in the industry of Management Consulting, Business Services.
Who are Adam Omar’s peers at other companies?
Adam Omar’s peers at other companies are Buhle Dlamini, Subashni Nair, David Naidoo.
Who are Adam Omar’s colleagues?
Some of Adam Omar’s colleagues are Mike Withers, Annette McCARTHY, Charles Higgs, Lisa Fairbrother.
How can I contact Adam Omar?
Adam Omar contact details: Email address: a***@atlanticforwarding.co.za Phone number: +27 ** *** ****
Who is Adam Omar?

Adam Omar is a Seafreight Import Controller at Atlantic Forwarding based in Cape Town.... Read More

Where is Adam Omar based?
Adam Omar works for Atlantic Forwarding, located at South Africa
See more information about Adam Omar

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