
Ac Shivaram

Administrative Manager at TeamIndus

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(***) ***-****

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About Ac Shivaram

Ac Shivaram is an Administrative Manager at TeamIndus based in Sahakaranagar P.O, Karnataka.Explore more

Ac Shivaram Current Workplace


2017-present (8 years)

TeamIndus (incorporated as Axiom Research Labs) is a private for-profit aerospace company headquartered in Bangalore, India. It consists of a team of professionals from various backgrounds in science, technology, finance, and media, that came together in 2010 with the aim of winning the Google Lunar X Prize competition announced in 2007. Although the competition ended in 2018 without a winner, TeamIndus is still working towards developing and launching their lunar rover mission sometime in 2020 after partnering with OrbitBeyond. TeamIndus' lander was originally code-named HHK1, now called Z-01, and their rover is called ECA, an abbreviation for Ek Choti Si Asha (A Small Hope).

Org Chart - TeamIndus


Administrative Manager




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Ac Shivaram

What company does Ac Shivaram work for?
Ac Shivaram works for TeamIndus as Administrative Manager
What is Ac Shivaram’s role in TeamIndus?
Ac Shivaram’s role in TeamIndus is Administrative Manager
What is Ac Shivaram’s email address?
Ac Shivaram’s email address is s***@teamindus.in
What is Ac Shivaram’s business email address?
Ac Shivaram’s business email address is s***@teamindus.in
What is Ac Shivaram’s direct phone number?
Ac Shivaram’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Ac Shivaram’s work phone number?
Ac Shivaram’s headquarters phone number is +91 8046667100
Which industry does Ac Shivaram work in?
Ac Shivaram works in the industry of Aerospace & Defense, Manufacturing.
Who are Ac Shivaram’s peers at other companies?
Ac Shivaram’s peers at other companies are Justin Jansky, Rebecca McCormick, Jennifer Taylor, Maria Moore, Liisa Johnson.
Who are Ac Shivaram’s colleagues?
Some of Ac Shivaram’s colleagues are Sheelika Ravishankar, Indranil Chakraborty, Prithvi Gautham, Jyothish Balachandran.
How can I contact Ac Shivaram?
Ac Shivaram contact details: Email address: s***@teamindus.in Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Ac Shivaram?

Ac Shivaram is an Administrative Manager at TeamIndus based in Sahakaranagar P.O, Karnataka.... Read More

Where is Ac Shivaram based?
Ac Shivaram works for TeamIndus, located at India
See more information about Ac Shivaram

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