Abdullah Ansari

Deputy Director at Abdul Latif Jameel Properties

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About Abdullah Ansari

Abdullah Ansari is a Deputy Director at Abdul Latif Jameel Properties based in Jeddah, Makkah.Explore more

Abdullah Ansari Current Workplace

Abdul Latif Jameel Properties

2020-present (5 years)

Our Land and Real Estate function initially began as a sub-division of Abdul Latif Jameel, focused on developing and delivering our own corporate real estate projects, to support business growth and expansion. Having accumulated a wealth of expertise and capabilities in the construction and development of our own property portfolio, Abdul Latif Jameel Properties was formed and the business formally stepped into the commercial real estate market in Saudi Arabia align with 2030 vision. Today, Abdul Latif Jameel Properties has a property portfolio consisting of hundreds of buildings, including corporate offices, car showrooms, workshops and, training facilities, and operational centers across the MENAT region, Europe and Eastern Asia. Over the next five years, we will add a further 150 projects to our portfolio.

Org Chart - Abdul Latif Jameel Properties


Deputy Director




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Abdullah Ansari

What company does Abdullah Ansari work for?
Abdullah Ansari works for Abdul Latif Jameel Properties as Deputy Director
What is Abdullah Ansari’s role in Abdul Latif Jameel Properties?
Abdullah Ansari’s role in Abdul Latif Jameel Properties is Deputy Director
What is Abdullah Ansari’s direct phone number?
Abdullah Ansari’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
Which industry does Abdullah Ansari work in?
Abdullah Ansari works in the industry of Real Estate.
Who are Abdullah Ansari’s peers at other companies?
Abdullah Ansari’s peers at other companies are Amy Hsu, Emiko Lee, Shelyn Siew, Yao Cheng, Sk Farhan.
Who are Abdullah Ansari’s colleagues?
Some of Abdullah Ansari’s colleagues are Khalil Rabie, Siraj Omar Salem Baduqayl, Mohammed Nour, Osama Saleh.
Who is Abdullah Ansari?

Abdullah Ansari is a Deputy Director at Abdul Latif Jameel Properties based in Jeddah, Makkah.... Read More

Where is Abdullah Ansari based?
Abdullah Ansari works for Abdul Latif Jameel Properties, located at Saudi Arabia
See more information about Abdullah Ansari

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