Abdul Waqas

System Ict Officer at Sindh Engro Coal Mining

Abdul Waqas Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Abdul Waqas Current Workplace



Number of Employees

Abdul Waqas Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Abdul Waqas

Abdul Waqas is a System Ict Officer at Sindh Engro Coal Mining based in Thaey, Gilgit-Baltistan. Previously, Abdul was an Information Systems Officer at Dawood Hercules.Explore more

Abdul Waqas Current Workplace

Sindh Engro Coal Mining

2025-present (0 months)

Sindh Engro Coal Mining Company (SECMC) is Pakistans leading coal producer operating Pakistans first open-pit lignite mine in Block II of Tharparkar area in Sindh province of Pakistan. With a current annual mining capacity of 3.8 million tons we continue to provide lignite quality coal to power producers in Pakistan. We are grounded by our long-standing core values of safety and environment stewardship having amassed key national and international awards of excellence. SECMC is dedicated to market-driven leader in the coal industyr and to creating superior long-term integrated value. In pursuit of thse objectives, we will: Teams of geologists and engineers estimate quantity, quality and depth of coal in a proposed area through a variety of proven methods, utilizing computer modeling software and data including information from core drilling. Environmental engineers and reclamation specialists evaluate a proposed area carefully, considering location, terrestrial and aquatic resources, tSee more

Abdul Waqas Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Information Systems Officer

Dawood Hercules


Org Chart - Sindh Engro Coal Mining


System Ict Officer




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Abdul Waqas

What company does Abdul Waqas work for?
Abdul Waqas works for Sindh Engro Coal Mining as System Ict Officer
What is Abdul Waqas’s role in Sindh Engro Coal Mining?
Abdul Waqas’s role in Sindh Engro Coal Mining is System Ict Officer
What is Abdul Waqas’s email address?
Abdul Waqas’s email address is a***@secmc.com.pk
What is Abdul Waqas’s business email address?
Abdul Waqas’s business email address is a***@secmc.com.pk
What is Abdul Waqas’s direct phone number?
Abdul Waqas’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Abdul Waqas’s work phone number?
Abdul Waqas’s headquarters phone number is +92 21111211211
What is Abdul Waqas’s latest job experience?
Abdul Waqas’s latest job experience is Information Systems Officer at Dawood Hercules
Which industry does Abdul Waqas work in?
Abdul Waqas works in the industry of Metals & Mining General, Metals & Mining.
Who are Abdul Waqas’s peers at other companies?
Abdul Waqas’s peers at other companies are MacDonald Chihambakwe.
Who are Abdul Waqas’s colleagues?
Some of Abdul Waqas’s colleagues are Saeed Nawaz, Deepak Akash, Ousaf Ahmed, Shoaib Abbasi.
How can I contact Abdul Waqas?
Abdul Waqas contact details: Email address: a***@secmc.com.pk Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Abdul Waqas?

Abdul Waqas is a System Ict Officer at Sindh Engro Coal Mining based in Thaey, Gilgit-Baltistan. Previously, Abdul was an Information Systems Officer at Dawood Hercules.... Read More

Where is Abdul Waqas based?
Abdul Waqas works for Sindh Engro Coal Mining, located at Pakistan
See more information about Abdul Waqas

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