Abdul Alahdal

Structural Engineering Intern at L R Nelson Consulting Engineers

Abdul Alahdal Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Abdul Alahdal Current Workplace



Number of Employees

About Abdul Alahdal

Abdul Alahdal is a Structural Engineering Intern at L R Nelson Consulting Engineers based in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Abdul Alahdal Current Workplace

L R Nelson Consulting Engineers

2022-present (3 years)

L. R. Nelson Consulting Engineers, Inc.was founded in 1987 to provide professional engineering services to Southern Nevada and the American Southwest. Our mission now, as then, is to provide Quality and Innovative engineering services including Forensics, Planning, Civil, Structural and Surveying. At L. R. Nelson Consulting Engineers, Inc. we believe in America, invested in its past, investing in its future. With offices in Las Vegas, Nevada and Salt Lake City, Utah, L. R. Nelson Consulting Engineers, Inc. is here to serve you. L.R. Nelson Consulting Engineers, Inc. is looking for qualified technical and professional personnel for CAD Technician, Civil Designer, Project Manager, Hydrologist and Engineering Intern positions. Your Career starts today HERE at L.R. Nelson Consulting Engineers, Inc.

Org Chart - L R Nelson Consulting Engineers

Abdul Alahdal

Structural Engineering Intern

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Abdul Alahdal

What company does Abdul Alahdal work for?
Abdul Alahdal works for L R Nelson Consulting Engineers as Structural Engineering Intern
What is Abdul Alahdal’s role in L R Nelson Consulting Engineers?
Abdul Alahdal’s role in L R Nelson Consulting Engineers is Structural Engineering Intern
What is Abdul Alahdal’s direct phone number?
Abdul Alahdal’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Abdul Alahdal’s work phone number?
Abdul Alahdal’s headquarters phone number is (702) 798-7978
Which industry does Abdul Alahdal work in?
Abdul Alahdal works in the industry of Architecture, Engineering & Design, Construction.
Who are Abdul Alahdal’s peers at other companies?
Abdul Alahdal’s peers at other companies are Hieu Van, Caleb Shudak, Autumn Borsellino, Harbux Chana, Faria Ansari.
Who are Abdul Alahdal’s colleagues?
Some of Abdul Alahdal’s colleagues are Sarah Bareng, Barbara Blankenship, Mark Steele, Lucinda Buchanan.
Who is Abdul Alahdal?

Abdul Alahdal is a Structural Engineering Intern at L R Nelson Consulting Engineers based in Las Vegas, Nevada....

Where is Abdul Alahdal based?
Abdul Alahdal works for L R Nelson Consulting Engineers, located at United States