Abdelrahman Gomaa

Volunteer at Egyptian Red Cresent

Abdelrahman Gomaa Email & Phone number

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Number of Employees

Abdelrahman Gomaa Work Experience Summary

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About Abdelrahman Gomaa

Abdelrahman Gomaa is a Volunteer at Egyptian Red Cresent based in Cairo. Previously, Abdelrahman was a Digital Marketing at iKemya.Explore more

Abdelrahman Gomaa Current Workplace

Egyptian Red Cresent

2024-present (11 months)

The ERC does not affiliate with any one of the previous mentioned bodies. It is an independent Egyptian non-governmental organization. It was established in 1911; its activities based on the members and volunteers' efforts. The ERC is the only non-governmental organization that authorized to be as an assistance body for the governmental authorities in the peace and war time. Does the ERC provide its services to only the Muslims? The ERC provides its services to the all people regardless the religious, political, gender or ethnic considerations. Being a part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent (IRCRC) Movement, the ERC abides by the Geneva Conventions and Protocols and the seven principles of the IRCRC movement which include humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service, unity, and universality. What are the ERC main activities? Facing the risks of disasters and calamities in coordination with the governmental authorities and the International FederatioSee more

Abdelrahman Gomaa Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Digital Marketing



Org Chart - Egyptian Red Cresent






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Abdelrahman Gomaa

What company does Abdelrahman Gomaa work for?
Abdelrahman Gomaa works for Egyptian Red Cresent as Volunteer
What is Abdelrahman Gomaa’s role in Egyptian Red Cresent?
Abdelrahman Gomaa’s role in Egyptian Red Cresent is Volunteer
What is Abdelrahman Gomaa’s direct phone number?
Abdelrahman Gomaa’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Abdelrahman Gomaa’s work phone number?
Abdelrahman Gomaa’s headquarters phone number is +20 225985555
What is Abdelrahman Gomaa’s latest job experience?
Abdelrahman Gomaa’s latest job experience is Digital Marketing at iKemya
Which industry does Abdelrahman Gomaa work in?
Abdelrahman Gomaa works in the industry of Charitable Organizations & Foundations, Organizations.
Who are Abdelrahman Gomaa’s peers at other companies?
Abdelrahman Gomaa’s peers at other companies are Sandra Powder, John Bogner, Cris Morris, Mark Smalley, Gloria Soto.
Who are Abdelrahman Gomaa’s colleagues?
Some of Abdelrahman Gomaa’s colleagues are Shaheer Ayoub, Mohamed Elkhier, Osama AlAshry, Sama Elshony.
Who is Abdelrahman Gomaa?

Abdelrahman Gomaa is a Volunteer at Egyptian Red Cresent based in Cairo. Previously, Abdelrahman was a Digital Marketing at iKemya.... Read More

Where is Abdelrahman Gomaa based?
Abdelrahman Gomaa works for Egyptian Red Cresent, located at Egypt
See more information about Abdelrahman Gomaa

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