Abdellatif Hnini

Assistant Restaurant Manager (In-charge) of Bâton Rouge Grillhouse and Bar at Crowne Plaza Moncton Downtown

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(***) ***-****

Abdellatif Hnini Current Workplace


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Number of Employees

Abdellatif Hnini Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Abdellatif Hnini

Abdellatif Hnini is an Assistant Restaurant Manager (In-charge) of Bâton Rouge Grillhouse and Bar at Crowne Plaza Moncton Downtown based in Moncton, New Brunswick. Previously, Abdellatif was a Manager of the Year 2015 at Four Seasons Hotels and also held positions at Accor.Explore more

Abdellatif Hnini Current Workplace

Crowne Plaza Moncton Downtown

2024-present (5 months)

Crowne Plaza Moncton Downtown is committed to the environment through our environmental practices. We make conscious efforts to reduce waste and to recycle where possible. The Green Key Eco-Rating Program is designed to recognize hotels that are committed to making a positive environmental impact through consistent environmental practices and fiscal performance. Our hotel is proud to hold a Three Green Key rating and we endeavor to increase that rating in 2012. Some of our accomplishments include: switching many of our lights to energy efficient compact fluorescent lights. participating in Earth Day. reducing energy through our linens and towels program. recycling all plastics and reusable materials. having an energy and environmental committee on property that communicates ideas to other employees.

Abdellatif Hnini Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Senior Restaurant Manager

Four Seasons resort marrakech


Azzera Restaurant Manager

Four Seasons Resort Marrakech


Manager of the Year 2015

Four Seasons Hotels


Assistant Manager, Room Service

Four Seasons Resort Marrakech


Org Chart - Crowne Plaza Moncton Downtown


Assistant Restaurant Manager (In-ch...




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Abdellatif Hnini

What company does Abdellatif Hnini work for?
Abdellatif Hnini works for Crowne Plaza Moncton Downtown as Assistant Restaurant Manager (In-charge) of Bâton Rouge Grillhouse and Bar
What is Abdellatif Hnini’s role in Crowne Plaza Moncton Downtown?
Abdellatif Hnini’s role in Crowne Plaza Moncton Downtown is Assistant Restaurant Manager (In-charge) of Bâton Rouge Grillhouse and Bar
What is Abdellatif Hnini’s email address?
Abdellatif Hnini’s email address is a***@cpmoncton.com
What is Abdellatif Hnini’s business email address?
Abdellatif Hnini’s business email address is a***@cpmoncton.com
What is Abdellatif Hnini’s direct phone number?
Abdellatif Hnini’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Abdellatif Hnini’s work phone number?
Abdellatif Hnini’s headquarters phone number is (506) 854-6340
What is Abdellatif Hnini’s latest job experience?
Abdellatif Hnini’s latest job experience is Senior Restaurant Manager at Four Seasons resort marrakech
Which industry does Abdellatif Hnini work in?
Abdellatif Hnini works in the industry of Restaurants, Hospitality.
Who are Abdellatif Hnini’s colleagues?
Some of Abdellatif Hnini’s colleagues are Leslie Allan, Gerald Doucette, De'Anne Paris, Senlin Wang.
How can I contact Abdellatif Hnini?
Abdellatif Hnini contact details: Email address: a***@cpmoncton.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Abdellatif Hnini?

Abdellatif Hnini is an Assistant Restaurant Manager (In-charge) of Bâton Rouge Grillhouse and Bar at Crowne Plaza Moncton Downtown based in Moncton, New Brunswick. Previously, Abdellatif was a Manager of the Year 2015 at Four Seasons Hotels and also held positions at Accor.... Read More

Where is Abdellatif Hnini based?
Abdellatif Hnini works for Crowne Plaza Moncton Downtown, located at Canada
See more information about Abdellatif Hnini

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