Abdallah Mahfouz

Manager, Reservation & Revenue at IntercityHotel

Abdallah Mahfouz Email & Phone number

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+968 ** ******

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About Abdallah Mahfouz

Abdallah Mahfouz is a Manager, Reservation & Revenue at IntercityHotel based in Ulm, Baden-Wuerttemberg.Explore more

Abdallah Mahfouz Current Workplace


2024-present (5 months)

Deutsche Hospitality brings together five separate hotel brands under a single umbrella. Steigenberger Hotels & Resorts has nearly 60 hotels housed in historic traditional buildings and lively city residences and also offers health and beauty oases set at the very heart of nature. MAXX by Steigenberger is a new and charismatic concept which places the focus on the essential in accordance with its motto "MAXXimize your stay". Jaz in the City branded hotels reflect metropolitan lifestyle and draw upon the local music and cultural scene. IntercityHotel offers more than 40 upper mid-range urban hotels, all of which are located within easy walking distance of railway stations or airports. And Zleep Hotels - a well-known and successful hotel brand in Scandinavia which offer service and design at a great rate for the many. The portfolio of Deutsche Hospitality currently includes almost 160 hotels on three continents 40 of which are in the pipeline.

Org Chart - IntercityHotel


Manager, Reservation & Revenue




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Abdallah Mahfouz

What company does Abdallah Mahfouz work for?
Abdallah Mahfouz works for IntercityHotel as Manager, Reservation & Revenue
What is Abdallah Mahfouz’s role in IntercityHotel?
Abdallah Mahfouz’s role in IntercityHotel is Manager, Reservation & Revenue
What is Abdallah Mahfouz’s email address?
Abdallah Mahfouz’s email address is a***@intercityhotel.com
What is Abdallah Mahfouz’s business email address?
Abdallah Mahfouz’s business email address is a***@intercityhotel.com
What is Abdallah Mahfouz’s direct phone number?
Abdallah Mahfouz’s direct phone number is +968 ** ******
What is Abdallah Mahfouz’s work phone number?
Abdallah Mahfouz’s headquarters phone number is +49 6966564460
Which industry does Abdallah Mahfouz work in?
Abdallah Mahfouz works in the industry of Lodging & Resorts, Hospitality.
Who are Abdallah Mahfouz’s peers at other companies?
Abdallah Mahfouz’s peers at other companies are Ozino Cardoz, Jariya Daengda, Stevan Petrović, Delara Çırağan, Cristina Martel.
Who are Abdallah Mahfouz’s colleagues?
Some of Abdallah Mahfouz’s colleagues are Athif Mohammed, Cam Nguyen, Ehab Saftey, Hazel Carvalho.
How can I contact Abdallah Mahfouz?
Abdallah Mahfouz contact details: Email address: a***@intercityhotel.com Phone number: +968 ** ******
Who is Abdallah Mahfouz?

Abdallah Mahfouz is a Manager, Reservation & Revenue at IntercityHotel based in Ulm, Baden-Wuerttemberg.... Read More

Where is Abdallah Mahfouz based?
Abdallah Mahfouz works for IntercityHotel, located at Germany
See more information about Abdallah Mahfouz

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