Aastha Chaudhary

Assistant Producer at Times Network

Aastha Chaudhary Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Aastha Chaudhary Current Workplace


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Aastha Chaudhary Work Experience Summary

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About Aastha Chaudhary

Aastha Chaudhary is a Digital Producer at iTV Network based in Noida, Uttar Pradesh.Explore more

Aastha Chaudhary Current Workplace

Times Network

2024-present (5 months)

As India marches to its destiny, we see the emergence of a whole new breed who are leading from the front. These are the people who believe in themselves and know it is in them to shape the future. For them, the past is a memory and the future is Now. This is the NOW generation. They are influencers who are shedding their passiveness and inhibitions, embracing aggression and speed to catch up and get ahead of their global counterparts. Seizing this opportunity, Times Network with its credo Now or Nothing takes the center stage of influencing the influencer, by delivering the most compelling and irreplaceable content to these viewers. The network has stamped its leadership to be an expert curator of segmented and differentiated content across news and entertainment genre. Times Network is the television division of Bennett, Coleman & Company Limited (BCCL) the parent company of Indias largest media conglomerate, the Times Group which owns and operates, inter alia, The Times of India, EcSee more

Aastha Chaudhary Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Associate Producer

iTV Network


Associate Producer

iTV Network





Org Chart - Times Network


Assistant Producer




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Aastha Chaudhary

What company does Aastha Chaudhary work for?
Aastha Chaudhary works for Times Network as Assistant Producer
What is Aastha Chaudhary’s role in Times Network?
Aastha Chaudhary’s role in Times Network is Assistant Producer
What is Aastha Chaudhary’s email address?
Aastha Chaudhary’s email address is a***@timesgroup.com
What is Aastha Chaudhary’s business email address?
Aastha Chaudhary’s business email address is a***@timesgroup.com
What is Aastha Chaudhary’s direct phone number?
Aastha Chaudhary’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Aastha Chaudhary’s latest job experience?
Aastha Chaudhary’s latest job experience is Associate Producer at iTV Network
Which industry does Aastha Chaudhary work in?
Aastha Chaudhary works in the industry of Broadcasting, Media & Internet.
Who are Aastha Chaudhary’s peers at other companies?
Aastha Chaudhary’s peers at other companies are Ayanabha Banerjee, Ashish Yadav, Rumela Banerjee, Anugerah Nanda, Muhammad Ab Rahim.
Who are Aastha Chaudhary’s colleagues?
Some of Aastha Chaudhary’s colleagues are Gaurang Ranpariya, Gayatri Hasabnis, Pushpendra Kumar, Kanika Khurana.
How can I contact Aastha Chaudhary?
Aastha Chaudhary contact details: Email address: a***@timesgroup.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Aastha Chaudhary?

Aastha Chaudhary is a Digital Producer at iTV Network based in Noida, Uttar Pradesh.... Read More

Where is Aastha Chaudhary based?
Aastha Chaudhary works for Times Network, located at India
See more information about Aastha Chaudhary

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