Membership Organizations · Illinois, United States · 717 Employees
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10 S Dearborn St Fl 48, Chicago, Illinois, 6060...Website
<$5 MillionIndustry
Women in eDiscovery (WiE) is a 501(c)(6) non-profit organization that provides educational opportunities regarding technology in the legal industry to its members. The organization offers networking and leadership avenues, promotes personal and professional growth of women, and donates mentoring and charitable contributions to its communities. WiE incorporates a broad network of women volunteers who uplift and support each other and work together to recognize and honor each others achievements. WiE is comprised of professionals within the legal industry including attorneys, litigation support professionals, paralegals, legal IT staff, court reporters, consultants, recruiters and vendors. Since its inception in 2007, Women in eDiscovery has grown globally with thousands of members and 31 chapters. The Executive Board has appointed Regional Directors that work in conjunction with each member elected Chapter Board. Women in eDiscovery is run entirely by unpaid volunteers. These women dedicate their time, skills and professional experience to ensure the organization not only operates efficiently but also is an invaluable resource to its thousands of members. The Executive Directors are committed to providing the leadership and guidance necessary to set the organization on a successful path. This team believes in hard work, good communication and proper handling of operations.Read more
Popular SearchesWomen in eDiscoverywomeninediscovery.orgeDiscoveryWomen In eDiscovery Richmond ChapterWomen in Ediscovery - San DiegoSIC Code 81,811NAICS Code 81,813Show moreWOMEN IN eDISCOVERY Org Chart
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding WOMEN IN eDISCOVERY
Women in eDiscovery (WiE) is a 501(c)(6) non-profit organization that provides educational opportunities regarding technology in the legal industry to its members. The organization offers networking and leadership avenues, promotes personal and professional growth of women, and donates mentoring and charitable contributions to its communities. WiE... Read More