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Westwood Residential Companies

Real Estate · Texas, United States · 283 Employees

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3198 Parkwood Blvd Apt 11076, Frisco, Texas, 75...

Phone Number

(972) 292-7660


$16.8 Million


Real Estate

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Who is Westwood Residential Companies

In 1992, Westwood Residential Company was formed to build and acquire high-quality apartments throughout the Southwest. Over the last twenty-eightyears, Westwood has grown to employ over 300 people. The company and its affiliates are fully integrated, combining development, general contracting, property management, and accounting services. Since 1992, The Westwood Group has built or acquired over 50,000 units in the following markets: Dallas, Houston, Austin, San Antonio, Denver, Colorado Springs, Phoenix, Tucson, and Orange County, California. Westwood is a niche builder, developing apartments that possess the following qualities: proximate location to job centers such as business parks, hospitals, regional malls, and manufacturing facilities competitive rental rates design and construction appeal to lenders and institutional take-out buyers Since Westwood is fully integrated, it controls every step of the development cycle, from project conception to site selection, design, land acquisition, financing, development, general contracting, leasing, accounting, management, and sale (or permanent financing). This control promotes efficiency, quality, consistency, and lower costs. Westwood primarily builds two product types: high-density 'wrap' and garden-style. In addition to elegant clubhouses, resort style pools, and extensive exercise facilities, wrap properties feature urban design with elevatored, wood-frame units built around a structured parking garage. Garden-style properties offer similar common amenities, but they are designed as three-story, walk-up buildings which are surface parked.Read more
Westwood Residential Companies's Social MediaPopular SearchesWestwood Residential CompaniesWestwood Residentialwestwood residential CoWestwood Advisory Services IncWestwood Residential & Taylor Land TwoSIC Code 65,653NAICS Code 53,531Show more

Westwood Residential Companies Org Chart

Kris Hansen

Chief Executive Officer

Ruth Myers

President of the Central Division

Jeff Lindsey




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Westwood Residential Companies

Where is Westwood Residential Companies located?
Westwood Residential Companies's headquarters are located at 3198 Parkwood Blvd Apt 11076, Frisco, Texas, 75034, United States
What is Westwood Residential Companies's phone number?
Westwood Residential Companies's phone number is (972) 292-7660
What is Westwood Residential Companies's official website?
Westwood Residential Companies's official website is www.westwoodresidential.com
What is Westwood Residential Companies's Revenue?
Westwood Residential Companies's revenue is $16.8 Million
What is Westwood Residential Companies's SIC code?
Westwood Residential Companies's SIC: 65,653
What is Westwood Residential Companies's NAICS code?
Westwood Residential Companies's NAICS: 53,531
How many employees does Westwood Residential Companies have?
Westwood Residential Companies has 283 employees
What industry does Westwood Residential Companies belong to?
Westwood Residential Companies is in the industry of: Real Estate
What is Westwood Residential Companies competition?
Westwood Residential Companies top competitors include: Fickling, Realty Capital, Casto, The Grossman Companies
What technology does Westwood Residential Companies use?
Some of the popular technologies that Westwood Residential Companies uses are: goo.gl, WordPress.org, PHP, Cloudflare CDN
Who is the CEO of Westwood Residential Companies?
Westwood Residential Companies's CEO is Kris Hansen
How do I contact Westwood Residential Companies?
Westwood Residential Companies contact info: Phone number: (972) 292-7660 Website: www.westwoodresidential.com
What does Westwood Residential Companies do?

In 1992, Westwood Residential Company was formed to build and acquire high-quality apartments throughout the Southwest. Over the last twenty-eight years, Westwood has grown to employ over 300 people. The company and its affiliates are fully integrated, combining development, general contracting, property management, and accounting services. Since 1... 992, The Westwood Group has built or acquired over 50,000 units in the following markets: Dallas, Houston, Austin, San Antonio, Denver, Colorado Springs, Phoenix, Tucson, and Orange County, California. Westwood is a niche builder, developing apartments that possess the following qualities: proximate location to job centers such as business parks, hospitals, regional malls, and manufacturing facilities competitive rental rates design and construction appeal to lenders and institutional take-out buyers Since Westwood is fully integrated, it controls every step of the development cycle, from project conception to site selection, design, land acquisition, financing, development, general contracting, leasing, accounting, management, and sale (or permanent financing). This control promotes efficiency, quality, consistency, and lower costs. Westwood primarily builds two product types: high-density 'wrap' and garden-style. In addition to elegant clubhouses, resort style pools, and extensive exercise facilities, wrap properties feature urban design with elevatored, wood-frame units built around a structured parking garage. Garden-style properties offer similar common amenities, but they are designed as three-story, walk-up buildings which are surface parked.Read More

What are Westwood Residential Companies social media links?
Westwood Residential Companies Linkedin page Westwood Residential Companies Facebook page
How much funding has Westwood Residential Companies raised to date?
Westwood Residential Companies has raised <$5 Million in 1 funding round
When was the last funding round for Westwood Residential Companies?
Westwood Residential Companies closed its last funding round on Apr 04, 2020 with the amount of <$5 Million
Is Westwood Residential Companies a public company?
Westwood Residential Companies is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
See more information about Westwood Residential Companies

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