University of Washington
Colleges & Universities · Washington, United States · 32,056 Employees
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1400 NE Campus Prky, Seattle, Washington, 98195...Phone Number
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$6.6 BillionIndustry
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Who is University of Washington
The University of Washington is a public research university in Seattle, Washington. UW is located in the northwestern United States, and is one of the oldest universities on the west coast. The university has three campuses, with its largest campus in Seattle's University District and two other campuses Tacoma and Bothell.Read more
Popular SearchesUniversity Of WashingtonUW MedicineUniversity of Washington Autism CenterUniversity of Washington School of MedicineUniversity of Washington School of LawSIC Code 82,822NAICS Code 61,611Show moreUniversity of Washington Org Chart
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first initials + last | | 14.2% |
first initials + middle initials + last | | 4.6% |
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University of Washington News & Media
How AI is reshaping the University of Washington computer science school
Artificial intelligence is taking center stage at the University of Washington’s computer science school. The Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering held its annual Research Showcase on Tuesday in Seattle, highlighting the latest projects, technologies, and research from UW students and professors. AI was the focus for a majority of the day’s sessions, including a lunch keynote from UW assistant professor Sheng Wang on using generative AI for biomedicine, as well asUniv. of Washington unveils plans for lab space dedicated to battery innovation
Entrepreneurs and academics worldwide are trying to figure out how far innovation can stretch the power and performance of batteries. Since 2017, the Washington Clean Energy Testbeds at the University of Washington have provided a space, tools and expertise to support that work for startups and university staff and students. Today the facility’s leaders are unveiling plans for an open-access lab that will allow researchers to validate their new technologies by incorporating them into custom-madeImmunoPrecise Antibodies Celebrates Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Advances in AI-Powered Protein Design
VICTORIA, British Columbia--(BUSINESS WIRE)---- $IPA #AI--ImmunoPrecise Antibodies Ltd. (the “Company” or “IPA”) (NASDAQ: IPA), an AI-driven biotherapeutic research and technology company, today celebrates the recent Nobel Prize in Chemistry awarded to David Baker of the University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA, "for computational protein design," and jointly to Demis Hassabis and John M. Jumper of Google DeepMind, London, UK, "for protein structure prediction." This accolade highlights the viUniversity of Washington’s David Baker wins Nobel Prize for solving protein puzzles
University of Washington biochemist David Baker has won a share of this year’s Nobel Prize in chemistry for more than two decades of discoveries about the molecular structure of proteins — discoveries that have led to new medical therapies, new materials and new startups. Baker, who is the director of the UW Medicine Institute for Protein Design, shares the prize with Demis Hassabis and John Jumper of Google DeepMind, who have also pioneered computational techniques
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding University of Washington
The University of Washington is a public research university in Seattle, Washington. UW is located in the northwestern United States, and is one of the oldest universities on the west coast. The university has three campuses, with its largest campus in Seattle's University District and two other campuses Tacoma and Bothell.... Read More