University of Mines and Technology
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The new Department was established to give meaning to the UMaT Act, (2004), Act 677 which mandates the University to establish a Faculty of Integra ted Management Science to give the needed tools and skills to managers of mining and allied companies in the country. As a start, the Department will run two programmes in Master of Business and Technology Management and MSc Engineering Management. In his address to launch the Department, the Vice Chancellor, Prof J. S. Y. Kuma reiterated the resolve of the University not to deviate from its core mandate of providing quality engineering and management education to its students. He assured prospective students to the Department of the best quality in the programmes that will be run by the Department since according to him UMaT is the best publicly funded University in the country. He indicated that the introduction of the two masters programmes will help many people who want to study for a masters programme to come to UMaT instead of having to travel to either Kumasi, Cape Coast or Accra to access similar programmes. Prof Kuma called on prospective applicants to consider enrolling in the programmes in the Department of Management Studies because, according to him, they are assured of the best quality education. He indicated that the programmes would be run during the weekends and as a result they will be suitable for workers within Tarkwa and its environs. He further announced that a Master of Science in Mine Administration would also be introduced soon to strengthen the managerial capacity of managers in the mining companies. The Dean of the Faculty of Integrated Management Science (FIMS), Prof Newton Amegbey was hopeful that although there were many management programmes being run by various Universities in the country, those from UMaT would be run with a difference adding that UMaT as an Engineering and Technology Institution already had the track record for the training of the best quality students. He indicated that the Masters programmes were opened to all ...Read more
Popular SearchesUniversity of Mines and TechnologyUMaTUniversity of Mines and Technology, Tarkwa GhanaDEM - HUB UMaTDepartment of Computer Science and Engineering, UM...SIC Code 82,822NAICS Code 61,611Show moreUniversity of Mines and Technology Org Chart
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The new Department was established to give meaning to the UMaT Act, (2004), Act 677 which mandates the University to establish a Faculty of Integrated Management Science to give the needed tools and skills to managers of mining and allied companies in the country. As a start, the Department will run two programmes in Master of Business and Technolo... Read More